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RE: Song Contest: "Rocking Out the Loot on Splinterlands"

in #lovinghive3 years ago

I want to join but I don't know how to sing nor play instruments. Would it be okay to make a post, make a lyric about splinterlands, provide an optional tune (like... "Sing this in Joy to the world Tune")? In other words, make kind of the same as what you did.


Hey mate.

So, what you propose wouldn't work for my Contest -- BUT, I highly encourage you to do precisely what you describe for a contest of your own.

But, here's the thing: I'm QuillFire and I'm a damnably arrogant bastard (as all good poets must be) and everyone knows it. (To ascertain the veracity of said assertion, let's call in @dswigle & @prydefoltz to render opinion. Now, stand back, because ... I promise you ... Pryde, who one day I will teach how to write poetry, is about to render opinion like opinion has never been rendered before.)

My charm, much like Merlot, is an acquired taste. (BTW, these ladies are amongst my best friends on Hive ... but, I enjoy tormenting them and they, I. It's complicated.)

Anyway, here's what you do.

You throw down. You call me out as if Hive were the OK Corral (watch this video ... you'd be Johnny Ringo and I, Doc Holiday.)


"Walking in a Winter Wonderland!?" Hey, QuillBitch, cash me outside, how bout dah? And how bout, "Here comes Splinterlands, Here comes Splinterlands, Right down Spinterlands Lane?"

As PT Barnum once quipped, "If you want to draw a crowd, start a fight."

Over the years, I've pissed off a lot of Whales & Witnesses with my "Compensation Must Be Commensurate With Quality" diatribes, made all the more insufferable due to their impeccable diction. And so, there are now a number of the aforesaid who would love to see someone give me a good ass-kicking.

Write right ... and you could get filthy rich.


OMG! Pryde is going to kick you from here to kingdom come. Just saying. 😁

Hello lovely ... Indeed, I can shoot straight if I don't have to shoot too far.


So in the words of Gordon Downie .... @quillfire, I will give you ten bucks and a head start.

I know ... and I'm having second thoughts about baiting the bear. You know, it's strange ... she's so nice to everyone else.

What do you think the chances are she won't see it? Maybe, as if by Divine Intervention, her Notifications will suddenly stop working. It could happen.


she's so nice to everyone else.

You've never been everyone else. Why start now?

Oh shit. The Notifications are still working.


Hello? I thought you were my Huckleberry?

Denise, you are simply not a credible gunslinger. You're a peacemaker ... and hence the whole Ambassador thing (read the comments in your latest post).


Haha! But, I can shoot! :) Wanna see?

Og, og, og, and og:)


@quillfire is a fellow Canuck; let's see if he gets the reference:)

By the way ... I ain't drinking no f'ckin Merlot.


Pryde, contrary to popular belief, Ol' Quill is actually quite hip. Indeed, I recently explained to those less hip than myself what "gm" meant.

"gm" means different things depending upon the circumstances. It is highly contextual. It can mean: 1.) "General Motors," 2.) "Genetically Modified" or 3.) "Goat Marmalade." When Millennials use the aforementioned, it most frequently refers to the latter.

"OG" is similarly dependent upon the generation of the person using it.

To older people rolling their eyes in disbelief about youthful soul-searching, it means "Oh God," as in, "Oh God, I can't believe these ding-a-lings are confused about their gender."

To Millennials, terrified of being associated with anything that might be construed as "maleness," it means, "Omnes Gallinas," Latin for "all hens" ... as in, "There isn't a rooster amongst us ... honest, we're all hens."


Haha ... it is all about context. (She shakes her head in disappointment) .... OG.


It's a Canadian classic. I can't believe you missed it:)

PS ... live and let live; OG OG OG

So, to refresh my memory, I Googled "The Secret World of OG."


... Accompanied by their fearless pets, the children descend through a secret trapdoor into a strange underground world of mushrooms ...

Undoubtedly Magic Mushrooms, Pryde ... which undoubtedly explains why you know more about this than do I. 😉
