Oh my god, this sounds very terrifying! Expecting an MDMA rush and getting the experience LSD brings really sounds disturbing! I am really happy you had a good laugh about it later! I experienced something similar. I didn't expect to get an ego death and had the worst fear in my whole life until I was able to calm down and enjoy the magical ride. But afterwards, when I processed it, it was one of the most transforming, interesting, amazing, unbelievabale and even funny things I ever experienced :D
And I also have a very good laugh on it today. :DHey dear @markush (what a great name btw!! )
I am really glad it ended well to you! I hope you learned some amazing things from your trip and not only had a bad trip! :)
Thank you so much for your lovely words and support!! :) <3
Thanks :)
Indeed it was creepy i was halucinating with out even knowing i was halucinating.. if that make any sense to you :)
But years later i took some lsd and went to the forrest, was fing great. If a trip didn;t took so long i would to it more often.
Have a good day there.
Yes, makes absolutely sense to me :)
And that is indeed a VERY scary thing!
How beautiful you made a wonderful experience in nature :)
And yes, the trip indeed takes very long compared with mushrooms (about 5-8 hours) or 1P-LSD (6-8 hours, and which is even legal in some countries, such as mine (Germany)).
For the classical LSD 25 you really need a whole day for the trip and at least another one to relax, think about it and integrate the experience into your biography :)
Thank you, have a great day, too! :)