LSD and the spectator's condition

in #lsd8 years ago

It may seem exaggerated that feeling an experience under the effects of LSD has forever changed my critical filter of reality analysis. Other people, who have not tried it, try to understand it according to what they know, usually using an understanding filter based on their experience with alcohol. But alcohol, limits the ability to understand, alcohol makes us complete idiots.

We drink alcohol to remind ourselves how unhappy we are and set out to get immediately and using any means, all those superficial things that we miss in our lives, throwing ourselves to try to get them without any capacity for it, selfishly if necessary.

For this reason, it is a drug so culturally accepted, because the pattern of behavior that stands out on a drunkard, is a representative example of the schema of reasoning, used to interpret existence, by the great mass of individuals that make up society.



Now I can no longer think that life is pain as some philosophies affirm, but quite the contrary, for me life is pleasure, every moment, every thought, even the experimentation of pain, is also pleasure. The pleasure of being able to feel life, of being a self-conscious system immersed in the magnificence of the Whole, and even conditioned by all its laws, possibly by the cause - effect deduction of all the axioms that gave rise to the origin (the arrangement of each atom, the amount of energy released during the Big Bang ...). Be able to "Separate" as much as possible from the greatness to be able to observe it and enjoy its splendor.


(Two mirrors one in front of the other). The flow cross through infinity, but the same condition of spectator prevents me from contemplating the infinite because the spectator obstructs the flow. At the same time that I try to understand the infinite, I can not avoid put on a mark in the middle of it, since the very "flow" must cross the viewer to manifest the understanding.

A totally routine act like observing my body in front of the mirror, allowed me to understand, under the effects of LSD, that all the characteristics that are part of my humanity, are an abbreviation of greatness. I am a part of the fractal from which the whole universe can be deduced.


La metáfora de la vida es un lienzo en blanco manchado por el intento de querer explicar por qué el echo de tener un lienzo en blanco manchado por el intento de querer explicar por qué un lienzo en blanco manchado es la metafora de la vida y no explicar nada,,, por eso es un intento, pero está manchado, por eso es una metáfora.

Instead, my feelings began to consider a arrogant insult to greatness the idea of conceptualizing myself as an abbreviation of the Whole. I started to saw me how a dirty man, like a black dot on a blank paper sheet, an ugly stain on the mayor purity that exists, a parasite being that hinders the flow of energy that moves the entire universe, modifying its course to penetrate in the vehicle with the which I runs through three-dimensionality, to circulate in my mind generating all my thoughts and emotions through an effect analogous to that described by Joule's law.


Es la condicióN del espectadoR ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Querer dejar Huella AUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUUUA Es la ComunioNNNNNN La comunión con DI I OS!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡

I observed my feet that seemed like chicken feet and they took root on the ground, on Earth, from where I get all my sustenance, as a separate part of the same but attached to it by my condition of parasite, spectator.


Es la condición del espectador querer dejar huella, dejar huella AUAUAUAUAU

I was ashamed of my existence and I felt able to renounce it at any moment, I was to able to leave behind my biological impulses and abandon my body to end my selfish presence, to end to the need to synthesize the infinite beauty in only four digits (1,618) to allow me to observe it from my insignificance.



Suddenly I was able to connect for a moment with the beauty, I could feel as the flow crossed through my body and my mind without generating in me any type of thought, only the emotion of knowing that I was in consistency with the Whole.

I could feel all wisdom and all the knowledge of the universe could penetrate me if I wished to participate in his greatness.

But for this, I would had give up my condition of being a spectator, I would renounce to remember this knowledge to use it or to describe it in the future, I would forget that there is something called Time, I would understand that only there is the present moment and that the only thing that matters is to feel the immensity of the Whole in the eternally present moment.


Dejar huella es la condición del espectador. Dejar fluir es lo transgresor.

But, It is part of my parasite nature that I cannot forget for an interim greater than an instant that there is something called time. It is impossible for me, as a spectator, to observe all these riches and not try to save them for the future, that is why, immediately the flow was interrupted, because of my need to want to leave a trace, everything disappeared and I was watching myself in front of the mirror trying of observing what is impossible to observe, the point at the center of two mirrors that are placed facing each other.


LSD cuando la locura y la cordura FOLLAN.


Espectadorrrrrrrrrr TransgResorrrrRRRrrrr¡!!¡!!!!¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!

Then I looked again at my feet, which still seemed like chicken feet, connected to the immensity. I decided to assume my role as a spectator and to thank the infinite. After, I started to feel goodness, I felt a love in the flow and I understood that there is a place for me inside of the unlimited. I realized that greatness can not be such if there is no observer capable of marveling with such beauty. I felt as necessary for greatness as greatness is for me and I stopped feeling insignificant inside my infinite insignificance. I understood that the point where the observer is located, the point that destroys the perfection, the symmetry, is the point where a fractal cycle ends and a new pattern begins conditioned by a new axiom the conclusion of its observation.





Eloquently put! Look forward to more. Followed

Do you know this experience?

I cant say that I do bc I believeall experiences vary. I can only say that I know similar experience

resteemed LSD rocks..

Thank you!

Que genialidad! Muy interesante forma de describir esos momentos de consciencia elevada. He experimentado esa experiencia tanto con LSD como con hongos, pero me gustan mas los hongos ya que la experiencia es similar pero con una sensación interna que me cuesta describir, como una especie de felicidad-euforia, es como tener esa experiencia pero un poco mas emocional. Los has probado?


A mi también, el componente psicoactivo de la ayahuasca es el DMT, un psicodelico muy poderoso, debe ser una experiencia increible.

Te recomiendo que los pruebes, eso que dices de las ideas también me sucede pero mas con los hongos y si es cierto lo que dices las ideas son mas iluminadoras, también hay una sensación de conexión y empatia mucho mayor y por momentos una sensación que lo único que se me ocurre para describirla es como de felicidad absoluta acompañada de un calor o una energía en el centro del cuerpo. Creo que es una experiencia mas emocional o espiritual que el LSD.

También siento que influye mas en el sentido del tacto.

Como debes saber tiene varias etapas, también depende de cuantos comas y del estado en el que estés en el momento, pero es una gran experiencia.

Saludos Eusebio! Tienes contenido muy interesante aparte de este, Psychedelic On!