800ug lsd trip rport

in #lsd8 years ago

'This happened on July 6th. I have been lazy to edit it, but here it is.
Disclaimer: 8 years of experience with LSD, I have spent easily over 1000$ on this drug.
The dose was 800 micrograms, 8 tabs advertised as 100 micrograms. They were beautiful blotter tabs with abstract purple and green colors, the purity was as I expected, high purity(I bought a ten strip, I previously used 2 tabs to determine the potency and then I waited for tolerance to get back to baseline). I placed the tabs under my tongue for somewhere between 5-10 minutes. Then I swallowed them. No bitterness,no taste, t'was all good. I didn't test kit them, I used UV light, (yes.. I know some designer drugs glow as well) please don't give me shit for not testing them, I know some people probably will.. this is /r/drugs after all
Background information: This happened on July 6th, I'm on no current medications. I fasted the whole day and night before my experience for full potential effects, I always do this with LSD. I was in a good mood that day, I woke up on the right side of the bed you could say. My intent for this trip was to see how far out there I could go with a dose like this, a goal to meet the elves.
Setting: My home, alone, with my girlfriend and pet dog. I cleaned the house beforehand.
+0:00 : Tabs are under my tongue, 4 under my tongue, and 4 on my tongue. I remember it being tedious to keep them in place, for some reason I have lots of saliva production at the time.
+0:10 I swallowed the tabs (Keep in mind I was on an empty stomach)
+0:30(COMEUP) I am already having visuals, I am laying on a sofa, and the walls were changing colors, red to green, I was thinking at the time they were changing based on my emotions, I forced a smile on my face, and the walls stayed color green. I felt accomplished. I also had really bad nausea, the nausea I was experiencing felt like it was swarming through my whole body, my stomach, arms, legs, neck.
+0:45 My body is stimulated to the point where it feels like i'm sitting on a massage chair, I keep hearing a noise, a robot kind of noise, a futuristic buzz, is how I would define it. After fasting for over 20 hours, my hunger is completely eliminated. My body temperature is definitely over 100 degrees. Visually, after only 1 hour, my visuals are similar to a 300-400ug peak. I sit up after laying on the sofa, and I get a brain zap which only lasted about half a second. The whole room is carpeted, and as I stare the carpet, it seems like I'm seeing 3D hieroglyphics. I see lots of symbols similar to ancient egypt wall paintings. I look up on the wall again, and I see a word on the wall, in bubbly letters, I try to read what the word is but I can't, it's surrounded by geometric patterns.
+1:00-1:30(PEAK) I lost my perception of time, my visuals are to the point where I can't read a clock either. It is sometime after the 1 hour mark, I am peaking. I go to the kitchen to get get some ice cold water which was blistering cold. I forced myself to finish that cup of water because I wanted to go outside to my backyard as I peak and the temperature was I think in the mid 90's iirc, I bring my pet dog with me outside. As I open the door, the brightness of the sun hit me like a brick, I remember the sun being bright, it was around noon. I go and lay on the grass and my dog comes and tackles me all happy. She looked really beautiful, like a majestic creature. She is a cute dog but at the time I kept saying "majestic creature" to her. I take out my phone because I want to call my girlfriend to come over and chill, I take out my iPhone 4s, unlock my phone which wasnt as hard as I thought, the icons of the apps on my phone literally seemed like they were swimming, I couldn't make up how to contact my girlfriend because I couldnt find messenger!, at this point, a thoughtloop occurs, and I literally lay on the grass, thinking about things, I cant focus on one subject to think about I literally spend a at least 5 minutes in a thoughtloop. I come to a realization of Siri, I use siri "Call *****" when she picks up the phone, we start talking, however, I am whispering really quietly, I forgot how to speak loudly, eventually I stop trying to talk because I forgot how to. I remember attempting to communicate with her using my thoughts, and my body seemed to get upset that she wasnt responding. I know, thats weird, I felt my body having emotions. she knew I was tripping beforehand so she actually came over without me acknowledging it (I thanked her for that) it is 20 minute drive at least with no traffic though.
+2:00~ Im still peaking. My girlfriend arrives, she came through the backgate to the backyard because my front door was locked, Im already outside. She lays on the grass with me. She smokes some weed from her pipe (she is a functional smoker, she can tripsit while stoned)I didn't end up smoking, but my instinct is never turn down a hit, so she hands me the pipe, my hands are so jittery from the stimulant effects, I grab the lighter and im all shaky, I drop the pipe with the weed in it(we got the weed back dw)after that I decided I didnt want to smoke. I lay down on the grass with her next to me. I look up to the sky and see the clouds swimming and dancing, I had another thoughtloop of different theories of what the point of clouds were,how spirits live in them or something I forgot totally, I still could not speak right, I look at my girlfriend, I dont know anything about her at this minute except that I care about her and Im safe with her. She is already pretty, but with my experiences with LSD, every time, attractive people seem more attractive on LSD, while non-attractive people seem MORE non-attractive. I look at her and am able to say majestic creature, she laughs and hugs me. The hug seemed to last forever. I lay back down on my back, put my head up to watch the grass, I see the grass growing, to me, it was Life that was growing. I come to realization that, in life, we all grow over time, just like building a house, there is a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, basement, which can be compared (not literally) to my personal traits and characteristics. I think about whether am I happy in life, or not, when Im sad while im sober, I usually think about the future and that usually gives me hope to keep on going because I have a vision in my mind of "it will get better in the future" I come to realization, that I should live life currently how I positively picture my life in the future. For the next 30 minutes or so, I just stare at the beauty, and I think about how I never noticed how beautiful earth is, I was still experiencing ego death at the time, so being in my backyard, felt like I was experiencing being in my backyard for the first time all over again, even though deep down I knew the layout.
+2:30 to +4:30~ Still peaking. I make eye contact with a garden gnome, I am having a conversation with this gnome(mentally), he tells me he guards my backyard and he promises me he will defend bad spirits that could cause me a bad trip and lectures me of the importance of defending and guarding whatever you care about, at this point we had a connection,. At this time though, visuals are still going hard, grass is growing in front of me, trees are swinging, I learn English again and I have a conversation with my girlfriend about how beautiful the nature is, I must have told her about 50 times about how i'm just admiring the beauty of earth and that I never want to leave. She goes along with it and starts kissing me. At this point I think she is my wife, we start making out and she tells me lets go inside, I didn't want to go inside, I wanted to look around my backyard but she insisted we go inside. We start getting sexual, my penis becomes rocks hard(sorry for NSFW)It felt as if a gallon of blood was in my dick and as I got on top of her, I just wanted to kiss every part of her body, I desperately wanted to show that I care about her. We have sex for at least an hour, I didn't even ejaculate, only with my mind I felt intense mental euphoria when she started moaning, it was like a continuous orgasm, the psychical euphoria from LSD can be very intense, if you are in a situation of being naturally happy, the euphoria you get from LSD can be unpredictable, the continuous surge of happiness in my mind for that 1 hour isn't even comparable to MDMA euphoria, it was a lot more intense. A flow of beautiful colors on my bed sheet. I lay in my bed next to her, it was a sweaty bed haha, I was having really intense visuals, I stare at the wall(my room was dark, curtains closed, not blinds)i was watching the stars. I was fully submerged in visuals I was laying in my bed feeling the visuals of the morphing of objects. I was sailing on my bed. I felt like my bed was a boat, and I was sailing, I would say I felt really dissociated. I was floating in my headspace, and left with my consciousness as one. Ego death v2. I closed me eyes. My closed eye visuals that I can remember enough to describe were pitch black background, solid purple cylinders that kept spawning while I was moving forward in the visuals as First-Person, it brought me to different landscapes, landscapes I could recognize, I would see flashes of nature that I recognized but haven't thought about for years, following that a series of geometric visuals spinning around each other but they were compacted, I could read the patterns as if an alphabet, I was trying to figure out my identity, I was asking my consciousness to spell out my identity, the answers I received are hard to describe, what happened was I felt an emotion, that I couldn't identify, I never felt this "emotion" before, I started to think that all living things are emotions, emotions living in a body, I realize that the emotion I felt was peace, you could say that peace isnt an emotion or "calm" is better suited, but I disagree, I felt "at peace". I was starting to become confused at the time, but I felt OK, I was riding the wave.
+5:30 I was in bed with my girlfriend for more than 2 hours. I think i'm still peaking. Open eye visuals were still going hard. I dont think I described the intensity of the visuals so far in this report, so, generally the peak visuals were lots of morphing, I mean objects literally having sex with other objects, lots of colors on everything. I couldn't focus on one thing because i would easily get distracted from some other strong visual. My skin would change color and my arms would stretch. If I put my hand to my face, it looked severely dis-formed. I went on my computer at around this point just to play some music because I have high quality speakers connected to my computer. Text was unreadable. Black text over white background (the typical structure for the internet) Was unreadable. If anyone does a dose like this, they can confirm this. It takes severe concentration to read a sentence, it was too tedious and my thoughts kept racing I couldn't focus. I click on shuffle and hope a song with bad vibe doesn't play. For the next hour I ride the wave.
+6:30-7:00, I notice that my headspace is becoming less overwhelming but my visuals tell me im still peaking. However Ill just say its because of its a large dose that visuals are still strong as hell. I think its safe to say im coming down at this point, I have bad time perception too so I cant say what time it was. I had a very brief knowledge of time at this point and I didnt keep track because I didnt plan on writing a trip report, but my estimate for the hour should be fairly accurate.
+9:00: At this point, visuals are still strong as fuck, i'm definitely not peaking though. I'd say the visuals are similar to a 500-600 microrgam peak
+10:30 Its at this hour where Im getting kind of tired of tripping and I remember wanting it to end already. I never liked how LSD lasts so long. It sounds good that you can trip all day but when its tor-warding the end of the trip, most people just want it to end already. Ive had a good experience and its too late in the trip to worry about having a bad one. Im coming back to reality slowly. My girlfriend went home, now Im just sitting down on my couch with my dog and i'm forcing a bagel down my throat. Nothing interesting is really happening. I wait to reflect on my trip the next day instead of towards the end of the trip.
+12:00 I am miserably exhausted. Visuals are still occuring. Visuals are actually similar to a 250ug peak.
+14:00 I watched the Do-Over on netflix, not dissapointed. I really want to sleep buts its just not happening. Visuals are STILL occurring, but not much at all.
+16:00 Slightest visuals at this hour. I feel at this point that I should of should of had some Klonopins handy at this point. However I decided to take a few shots of some Ciroc Vodka to help me sleep.
+16:15 I finished 7 shots within 15 minutes. (im a big guy dw) I am going to lay down and sleep it off now.
And thats it. I had a really good trip, definitely memorable. Towards the end of the trip it was becoming tedious but, the day after I got to reflect and Im very satisfied with my trip."


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