Why Conspiracy is First Spiritual: How the Great Lie was Established, Strengthened and Restored

*Conspiracy must be, at its start, a spiritual act. *

This means that the original conspiracy of lying about the history of the nation was not something possible without spiritual collusion.

Allow me a moment to explain why...

A human government may be able to hold up secrets for some time. It may even be able to silence those that break its codes of blackmail - a "first offense last offense" dealio.

But a long lasting conspiracy is so multi-faceted, requiring revisionism of history, maintaining extensive lines of Lies, so vast and so numerous that even its original conscriptees would turn on each other at some point because they would lose track!

Let me give you a simple example. One nation decides to split into 7 nations in order to keep their true government and king hidden from all people forever and ever. After just 100 years, already some of the nations have differing notions of how to contain the line of Lies of their conspiracy.

Before long, squabbles turn into betrayals, betrayals into murders and finally destruction of the conspiracy as all its counterparts see no reason to hide their cards any more. It's a winner takes all or nothing situation.

Therefore, we must understand that a conspiracy of a Great Lie, so great that the vast majority of people would simply shrink back from its consideration, must begin as a spiritual act.

This is why in 2024, as veils are removed, we now are able to talk about Tyre, Sidon and other nations that were BEFORE OUR EYES the whole time, in every small town USA, as relics of grandiosity we simply do not know in our time.

The spiritual conspiracy of the Great Lie covered the whole earth, containing, preserving, covering the grand multitude of secondary lies and blankets of lies ...

The killings to keep secrets in secret societies like Freemasons, Illuminati, etc are in service to that spiritual congregation of Lucifer that co-signed into agreement for the duration. That duration is FAR longer than a human society would be able to uphold -secret or a "transparent" one, at that.

Human societies and groups simply cannot perform functionally due to the natural aggressiveness of males, pride and the power of sin over man. Arguments start, and the lie would fall apart in, perhaps DECADES - not hundreds of years - as in our case today.

The Revelations chapter about the beast that was injured and healed itself indicates that Lucifer aids the healing of the beast. So humans alone, by their own devices, would not have been able to "cover up" Tartaria/Tyre, Aliens are Actually Fallen Angels, Technology is Fallen Angels Guiding Mankind (Sam Altman's Super God AI)....

Hope that helps.