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RE: Doing wrong to get it right.

in #lufe2 months ago

I think the universe is a little more clever than for coincidences to be just that...

I was moved by your post.

To change the subject:
I'm not familiar with Europe at all. Is the UK dangerous? I've been to South Korea. Seoul is a nice city. Beautiful in one respect because I/you/they/ANYONE! can walk
and walk
My little afternoon and early evening walk there and back again spanned many different neighborhoods and there's no fear there to 'avoid __ area because x will __ you'

I meant to go back sooner
And still want to...

¿Have you ever been to México?



Not been to Mexico No.
The thoughts of visiting are inviting though.

England is not a dangerous place. But like in all countries. There are some area's that do not get the same resources to develop as others. The cheaper side of town. Those areas in many places hold the same dangers.

And just about everywhere. When people drink. there can be a fight of stupidity.

Over all England is generally a safe place.

I live next door to England in Ireland. Not the same. It would be like saying Mexico is USA.

Or Canada? And viceversa? And all the Venn Diagram?


A few months ago I almost traveled to London on a whim. It was to see some speaker... But the idea fizzled almost as soon as it budded.

stars aligning?Speaking of England, I found your post through the #RisingStar Raves, which I've only recently started to (be able to) take part in! Coincidence, or the

Nice to officially meet you.

How do you avoid and/or get out of a fight of stupidity?

By the way or... 'By the by' ? Is it? =]
You should visit México. It is very beautiful. Lots of diversity both biological and cultural plus, of course, the many ancient sites.

The news and people: American, Mexican, Mexican-American, et al really overexaggerate the apparent danger.
But let's be serious, cartel(/s) are everpresent and have tight grip and it's important to not be flashy or showy at all and better to be nondescript, actually (ie don't wear the noice, new wristwatch, etc).

All in all, they are the vigilante and just want to maintain the status quo ¡so don't disturb it and you'll be fine!

More the finance needed than a worry.

Even if I came across Cartel. I think it would just be an experience for both them and me.

You are new to Risingstar.

Make a comment on @Gamesupport account too. Mention you are new to the game Will get you a rare fan card.

By the by I think is an American thing. Not sure what it means.
By the way we use here in Ireland and England. It is used like.

By the way did you know Dots Dog had pups. It is asking and answering the question most times.

And sometimes at the end.
Dots dog had pups by the way.

Actually I've never heard anyone use it here! But yeah I use "by the way" as well.
Such as: dogs can't look up, by the way
and BTW, Tim Neighbors is way cool.

Having a silver tongue has saved me quite a few times. Being funny, in general I think, is important, too. And knowing when to be silent and/or play dumb hehe.

And speaking up when a voice is needed.

Why did the visually impaired man fall into a well?
He couldn't see that well!

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