This round the challenge is to draw Luigi travel to countries, with landmark of the country visited be drawn in the artwork.
Here's the contest link if you want to join and see other contestants:
Drawn digitally on Photoshop. Here' some progress-shots:
This is my entry for DRAW ME-LUIGI CONTEST - round 6: TRAVEL TO COUNTRIES, a contest hosted by @luigi-the-gnome
"@luigi-the-gnome at Juliet's Balcony, Verona, Italy"
mbah jenggot nang ndi kue
Kayong plesir adoh..
Sweet work, very well done! 😃
Thank you sir
So Luigi is a Montague??
Oo sole mio... Fiuhhhh
Sono the name in any case =D
Haha maybe mr @anomt likes shakespeare very much.quindi da quello ho aggiunto il dipinto di Juliet sul balcone. saluti dall'indonesia signore.
heh,,kuwe lagi ngundang Juliet yaa
Wes di tambahi mbak yul kae
Grazie mille and good luck !You have some great ideas @sentanu74 ... ;-) I love to play the serenade to nice demoiselles indeed =))
grazie ancora
Oh jadi luigi itu duda?
I'm worried Juliet must have been older than him :D
Maybe juliet love luigi just the way he is 😊