Entry for DRAW ME-LUIGI CONTEST - round 5 HOUSE SWEET HOUSE by @luigi-the-gnome

in #luigi7 years ago

This post is a submission for DRAW ME-LUIGI CONTEST: HOUSE SWEET HOUSE- round 5 hosted by @luigi-the-gnome.

I used Photoshop and a pentab to draw this. And here's some captured step-by-steps:


Excellent little house. Well done!

Hehehee.... Thanks

omahe hobbits ya kiye? :D

omahe sing duwe omah :D

Sing due umah sih sapa?

Mbah luigi lagi ngontrak omahe telletubbies

Wehh deneng ngontrak sih....
Sultan y tuku dewek lahh

SBD ne isih langka, ngo mbayari kontes wkwkwkwk

It reminds me the house of my friend hobbit ! =))
Thanks much for this lovely rendition and good luck !

umah njero lemah ya @teafp

Ya ben sing penting maen njerone :p

wkwkwkwk... iya iya