This post is a submission for DRAW ME-LUIGI CONTEST - round 6: TRAVEL TO COUNTRIES, a contest held by @luigi-the-gnome.
'@luigi-the-gnome visiting Eastern Island'
The challenge is about drawing @luigi-the-gnome character travelling to countries. I made a drawing of him travelling to Eastern Island, also known as Rapa Nui, a Chilean island located in the middle of the Pacific ocean, where the legendary giant Moai sculptures exist.
Contest original post:
I drew this on Photoshop. Bellow are some step-by-steps:
Ng ndi kuwe lik
That is very good. I like your style.
If you follow these bots and call them in your post, they'll give you a 2 vote headstartDo you know @banjo and @cleverbot already!?
taman mini man
cedhek taman kanak-kanak pa ora?
Tamandang gawe, aja merem bae lik
prei wa ngantuk bae
Sukses buat muKeren @wgustaman,
sip.. makasih mbak @dwiitavita
Nice a cute. Well done. 😊
thanks @trincowski
Haha... Luigi's corps invading Eastern Island! :D
Luigi the conqueror
Kuwe nandi? akeh Pion
jre mbahe eastern island
Hahaha ! I wonder where you find all these creative and funny ideas .. ! ;-)
Thanks for your rendition and good luck ! =))
thanks @luigi-the-gnome
Haha.. OMG, those luigi's hats!