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RE: The Power Of Steem Project Trailer #1 (Cycling Across The U.S.A.)

in #lukin-bikes7 years ago

Hi @lukinsawyer. I rode my bicycle from Seattle Washington to Portland Maine many moons ago. I did it on a Tandem mountain bike with a college buddy. A couple things: Be prepared for your feet and but to feel like they are on hot coals after riding all day, mini-marts along the lonely highway become Shangra La's because it's an excuse to get off the bike for a few minutes, be glad you're not on a tandem, most of it is going to be painful and you may question your sanity for coming up with the idea, ...the parts that are great are worth the discomfort and if you're like me, you'll cherish it for the rest of your life! Good luck, Via con Dios.


Awesome, I'm glad you commented on this. Yeah, I've heard, if you plan to do a cross country cycle, you better like yourself, because you'll be figuring out every little thing about yourself. I'm excited!!
3 days!
I'm packing Light so every little mini mart I see I'm stopping and stocking up! Can't wait. I've done a small tour before, and this time I'm just going to be taking it easy!! Only 40-60 Miles a day on this half of the states until it flattens out a little.

Going east to west? Tougher. We ran into a kid on a mountain bike in the plains of North Dakota. He was heading west, we were going east. He had a cheap back pack on his back, nothing else, no panniers, nothing. He was headed all the way to the pacific to build boats. It's like coming upon travelers in the Wild west when you meet up with other cyclists, it's awesome. People invited us into their homes and fed us, people are great to great people.

Going west to east! Coming from Washington and heading south to the Grand Canyon first before I head east. Yeah that's what I'm looking forward to is meeting all the people!!