The lychee is a seasonal and very popular fruits in Bangladesh. It's found during summer (may-june) in Bangladesh.The best quality of lychee produced in Dinajpur and Rajshahi District. Lychee require season temperature variations for flowers and fruiting, warm,humid summers sre best for flowrring and fruit development and a
certain amount of winter chilling is necessary for flower bud development. Cool winter with low rainfall are ideal for lychee. Fruits mature in 80-112 days depending on climate location and cultivator.Fruits reach up to5 cm long and 4 cm wide, varying in shape from round, to ovoid, to heart-shaped. The thin tough iredible skin is grun when immature, ripening to red or pink-red.
Wonderful photograph, its a delicious fruit in Bangladesh. Yes it is a seasonal fruit. Thanks for your nice describe and post.
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you're welcome.