Happy National Mac n Cheese Day.......Go out and grab some Mac n Cheese!....Here are some hidden/best spots in Connecticut for Mac n Cheese (different styles)
Mr. Mac's Canteen (Milford, Monroe)
Mac Bites
Mac n Out (Milford)
Sliders (West Hartford)
Mac n Cheese Bacon Burger ( @ndre1224 birthday meal from a few years ago)
Hoodoo Brown BBQ (Ridgefield)
Wood n Tap (Orange)
Mac n Cheese flatbread pizza
Willie's BBQ (West Haven)
Costco's Mac n Cheese
Kraft...Homestyle lol
Cheesecake factory
Fried Mac n Cheese Burger
We have to go to HooDooBrownBBQ!
AYYY my mac n cheese bacon b-day burger...
I love Mac n Cheese <3
OMG, it looks delicious