the mating couple is just pure luck. i never saw such again. but those single flying hoverfly is much easier. i used nikon d80 and 60mm macro lens. with external flash. with practice you can do it too.
Yes. i got 90% lucky. and maybe 10% skill. just single shot. btw i used the AF-ON button to focus. not the shutter release. since i found out i can capture event/timing better. i did experiment on stacking but only on non-moving insects.
Excellent work - it's hard to take macro shots of moving subjects. What's your camera setup?
Nikon D80 60mm AFD with SB800. i used AF-ON to focus.
true. it's not easy. i just got lucky with that hoverfly.
Nicely clicked
Wow ,amazing stuff, as usual ☺ (you were also on tsu, weren't you?)
Yes. and i remember you my friend :)
Cool, I'm trying to convince NokiDoki also to join us here, he just joined FB :D
Yep. I hope you succeed. i've know nokidoki for more than 10 yrs. :)
Hey, good to see you here, @digitalis!
you too. @stresskiller and nokidoci told me about steemit :)
Is Noki already in? I didn't see him yet.
Noki is trying his best. he's having somekind of mobile validation bug :(
Oki, hope he manages to solve that asap :))
He will. i will tell him. @brumest is waiting :)
He just joined FB :O
Run for your life, the world is about to end!!
nice collection for the NSFW corner :)
true. these hoverfly couple almost gave me a heart attack :)
Great shots! How you catch them in the air? Which gear did you use?
the mating couple is just pure luck. i never saw such again. but those single flying hoverfly is much easier. i used nikon d80 and 60mm macro lens. with external flash. with practice you can do it too.
I love these shots, nice work! Plenty of luck and skill involved here :)
The shots look so crisp, like you've used focus stacking, but I imagine it would be hard to get multiple shots. Are these all single shots?
Yes. i got 90% lucky. and maybe 10% skill. just single shot. btw i used the AF-ON button to focus. not the shutter release. since i found out i can capture event/timing better. i did experiment on stacking but only on non-moving insects.
Good work! Those flies are so difficult to get in mid-air!
true. but compare to bee and butterfly. i was more lucky on hovefly :)
Great shots! Upvoted and followed, cant wait to see more!