Hi macro lovers !
On this lovely occasion, I get some pictures of the ladybugs that are perched on the leaves of the eggplant plant. These pictures I took using the MI4 smartphone camera with additional macro lenses.
Although the picture is not perfect, I hope you can enjoy and love the beauty.
Thank you for visiting and reading this simple post..!
Have a nice day
It’s said that when you see a ladybug, it’s good luck. 🐞
agree with you, thank you
I know too. My grandmother also recited this nursery rhyme.🐞Ladybug ladybug get a book and go to school take a book and go to Cagliari bring me a beautiful ring a ring to get married ladybug flies away. 🐞 Resteeeeeeem
Thank you very much @zipsardinia, i really appreciate it
@mukhtarilyas, unik sekali sekali behavior nakhluk mini ini bang @harferri. Indah dan mengasyikkan jika kita mengamati. Sempurna sekali ciptaan Allah SWT.
Terimakasih sudah brkunjung dan mninggalkan jejak yg indah bg @mukhtarilyas
Ha ha ha
Photo yang mantap, susah dapat moment photo kumbang seperti itu.