Desir suara ombak menerpa pasir-pasir dan bebatuan, buih lautan yang begitu banyak sampai kita tak sanggup menghitung. Hari itu matahari sudah sangat cerah memancarkan pesonanya, awan yang bagai lukisan begitu indah terpampang disekelilingku. Tepat jam delapan pagi aku bejalan dipasir pasir abu-abu keputihan. Ada beberapa kulit kerang yang melirikku mempesona. Ku mulai berdiri di pasir pantai melihat indahnya lautan ciptaan sang pencipta.
ku hela nafas untuk membebaskan belenggu kepenatan pikiran ini. Pandanganku tetap kedepan melihat perahu-perahu kecil jauh seperti semut. Tiba-tiba telinga ini menggeliat, suara yang sangat gagah sedang mengintruksikan sesuatu, tapi masih saup-saup terdengar. Mata pun ingin menoleh kearah kananku, Tiba-tiba kulihat sekumpulan lelaki gagah yang tak pantang menyerah. Ku lihat ada perkakas yang mereka bawa seperti alat khusus anadalan mereka.
aku pun memutuskan untuk mendekat, menyapa dan berbicara. Beberapa menit kemudian dia bergegas pergi, uummm, sibuk sekali mereka gumam ku dalam hati. Aku smakin penasaran pada mereka, apa yang dilakukan mereka, aku terus mendekat, kulihat tiga orang dari kelompok itu menaiki perahu, dan dua orang memegang tali tambang yang amat besar.
Setelah aku mendekat, semuanya terjawab. Mereka sedang menari pukat (Jaring yang ditarik didaratan). Sungguh pekerjaan yang menyita tenaga, skill dan kemampuan mengehui arah angin, pasang surutnya pantai, dll.
teknik yang digunakan untuk menarik juga luar biasa, mereka melenggak lenggok seperti menari ria.
tak kenal lelah walau guyuran peluh membasahi pakaian lusuh mereka.
kekuatan, kekompakan, dan keyakinan yang mereka tunjukan tanpa sadar. Pikiran ku mulai menjelajah, menggelitik jiwaku, ternyata masih banyak yang berjuang susah payang melewati tantangan. Aku mulai sadar, bahwa semua kesuksesan ada proses yang hebat.
Terimakasih “SANG NELAYAN”. Sungguh perjalanan hidup yang memotifasi.
The sound of the waves hit the sand and the rocks, the foam of the sea so much that we can not count. That day the sun was very bright radiating its charm, clouds are like a beautiful painting plastered around me. Exactly at eight o'clock in the morning I walk sandy white sand. There are some shells that glance at me enchanting. I began to stand on the sand of the beach to see the beauty of the ocean created by the creator.
Huuuuhhhfffff ,,,,
I breathe to free this shackle of fatigue. My eyes are still looking at small boats as far away as ants. Suddenly this ear stretched, a very gallant voice was instructing something, but still saup-saup sounded. Eyes also want to turn towards my right, Suddenly I see a bunch of gallant men who are not unyielding. I see there is a tool they carry like a special tool of their anadalan.
I decided to come closer, say hello and talk. A few minutes later he hurried away, uummm, so busy they mumbled me in my heart. I was curious about them, what they did, I kept closer, I saw three people from the group boarded the boat, and two people held a huge rope.
As I approached, everything was answered. They were dancing trawlers (Nets pulled on the ground). It's a job that takes energy, skill and ability to catch wind, coastal tides, etc.
the techniques used to attract are also amazing, they are swerving sway like dancing ria.
tireless even though the splash of sweat dampened their shabby clothes.
strength, cohesiveness, and conviction they show unconsciously. My mind began to explore, tickling my soul, it is still a lot of struggling struggling through the challenge. I began to realize that all success is a great process.
THANK YOU "SANG FISHERY". It's a life-spanning journey.
Nelayan sedang menarik pukat atau jaring yang sudah dipasang.
(Fishermen are pulling trawlers or nets that have been installed.)
Camera : Nikon d3400
Location : Bangka Jaya - Krueng Geukuh, Aceh - IndonesiaPothographer : @khairuzzaman
#landscape #photography #landscapephotography #macro #beachphotography #beach #sea #boat #life #nature #art #travelling #aceh #indonesia #steem #photoshots #nikon3400d #wafrica #steempower #upvote #esteem #whale #whalepower #photocontests #fish #sky #cloud #steemit #komunitassteemitindonesia #kavotehaisigoe #janganpelitvote
aku cinta Indonesia! :D
me too, Aku cinta Indonesia.. hehehe
thanks you my friend.