i just try to make it little bit brief
Chinese name: mosquito
Album: ... 3mm
Release date: 2012-08-10
The original music of the song: Eason
Song: Lin Ruoning
Music composition: Eric Kwok, Jerald
Host: Swing
Music style: Pop
Producer: Swing / Eason Chan
Chinese characters
UB 86/98: JYY & nbsp; & nbsp; Cangjie: LIYK & nbsp; & nbsp; As Zheng Code: ISO & nbsp; & nbsp; Code: 5730
[Citation needed]:
1, Floaters wait dark words like thunder. - Liu Yuxi "Poly Muscle"
2, though the rate is polyethylene floaters, although there is a happy one. - Han Yu Tangk "Drunk Gift Yong Secretary"
3, if the feet of mosquitoes are fine - Ming Wei Yi School "Nuclear Zhu JI"
Mosquito force (small ball in metaphoric sense)
Mosquito City (Dissociate to be a mosquito city, describe many mosquitoes)
The first mosquito (very fine figurine like the first mosquito, common)
Mosquito negative (lack of ability and metaphoric responsibilities that Italy is not capable of)
Ray mosquito (similarity also sets fly as mosquito thunder sound after slander comment)
Eyelashes mosquitoes (mosquito eyelashes. Metaphor very fine things)
Saporo mosquito (mosquito)
Mosquito Kitchen (to avoid mosquito curtains in the summer)
Mosquitoes (fly mosquitoes. Also metaphor for the disobedience of the situation in the world)
Mosquito ants (insect ant ants. Metaphor villain)
Category: [general insectology]
Thanks you very helpfull
if one help someone he or she get back of it..
and i always follow this rules