I again photographed the fly insects in different positions. Hope you guys like it.
Camera : Smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4x + macro lens.
Thanks and do not forget to follow me @rizasukma.
I again photographed the fly insects in different positions. Hope you guys like it.
Camera : Smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4x + macro lens.
Thanks and do not forget to follow me @rizasukma.
Your macro photography is always very nice and beautiful. I like it very much thanks to sharing these nice photos
Thank you very much for your support @eliasgossain.
@rizasukma cool the picture the post..
Itu lalat terbang atau berdiri
Lalat berdiri diatas daun. Thank you @fatany.
Sama sama @rizasukma
Upvote back oke..
ini sangat keren.
Terima kasih kawan 😊.
Great job! How close do you have to get to the fly, they're usually quite skittish!
Approximately 5 or 7 centimeters. I let the sunlight in the eyes. I thought he did not realize I was too close. Thank you for your support @mweich.
Good strategy!
Makro yang sangat bagus warna yang elegant@rizasukma, terima kasih sudah berbagi.
Terima kasih kembali @jhoni.
You got a 11.01% upvote from @minnowfairy!
Sangat sangat jelas objek nya bang @rizasukma
Teringat dengan satria baja hitam hehe
Hehehe... Teringat flm tahun 90 han.. 😀. Terima kasih @rickygunawan.