I just photographed the part on the tail of this scorpion. At the tail end there is a pocket where it can store very venomous poison.
Location : Aceh Indonesia.
Camera : Smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4x + macro lens.
Thanks and follow me @rizasukma.
@rizasukma I don't forget this dangerous Scorpion. I was sting by it in last year.
Lol... sorry I don't me to laugh in a bad way @bakhtiarzehri it does look very dangerous though
Be careful with scorpions. Thank you @bakhtiarzehri.
Good shot, but yuck all the same 8-).
Thank you @ocrdu. 😊
ini kelihatannya sangat berbaya.
Iya kawan. Ini sangat berbahaya. Terima kasih @jasonmunapasee.
Sama sama,anda menggunakan kamera apa.
Amazing... where did you get the animal. the animal is very step in indonesia @rizasukma
In the mountainous region of Aceh, Sumatra Indonesia. Thank you @bamsbrayen.
Terima kasih @fehivimo.
be careful
Thank you for your attention @lightflares.
Kalajengking yang luar biasa, dengan ekornya yang sangat berbahaya dan siap menusuk, terima kasih sudah berbagi, @rizasukma.