Game over AND NEXT GAME 17.6.2018
First, thanks you all, for taking part of my first game and congratulate all the winners. Hope you enjoy it and are a littel bit more motivated, to go and shoot for the next Sunday HORROR FROM THE FOREST Round 2
Here is my absolute winner: @edguci / Congratulations
- Place @sallybeth23 / Congratulations
- Place @shawmeow / Congratulations
All participants, will I tag in the next game, so they will get a notification when the game is on. If you didn't participate in this contest and what to get a tag/notification for the next game write under this post: @marjanko TAG me, for the next game.
NEXT GAME 17.6.2018
Participants who will compete: @edguci @adibiqbal @idiongo @rajkooooo @sallybeth23 @shawmeow @hafizolgafur @psyssors @jayclar30
Hope to see you next week! With love, @marjanko
(If you don't what to play the next game, just write: @marjanko ,delete me)
Congratulations @edguci a worthy winner!!! Thanks so much @marjanko for choosing me for second place. I shall up my macro game for next weekend and get way scarier!! hahaha See you next weekend everyone!
Is not focused perfekt but this is the magic. Looks amazing🤘 Yes, now we have I week to take a good macro....@edguci just kicked our asses :)
Yey!! Thanks so much😊😊 see yah
Thank you @marjanko .. Congratulation @sallybeth23 and @shawmeow
You earn it. Hope we will see tou next sunday
Will spent more time in forest before the date
That's the spirit
Congrats @edguci , @sallybeth23 and see you (all participants) on Sunday. This is fun😻
@marjanko TAG me, for the next game.
ewellcome. Love, that you join us! I have add you to the list