Funny - I keep meaning to sit down and watch P&R properly (I've only caught chunks of it when our kids, who aren't really kids anymore, were power-watching it), but haven't yet. I may need to remedy that soon. Love The Office (Jim & Pam 4EVA), and The Crown. We've seen the previews for Safe, and it's on our watchlist, but haven't started it. I just finished Broadchurch (Jim had not interest) and adored it. And I just realized last night that Luke Cage, Season Two is now out, so I know what we're watching tonight! 😊
Oh, and Happy Fourth to you and the missus!
Happy 4th to you all as well! I was never able to get into Luke Cage, but maybe I need to retry
We watched (and adored) Jessica Jones first, so that might help. 😃