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RE: I Am Tired Of Selfish Sane Bullshit

in #madness7 years ago (edited)

I can sense your outrage permeating from every line written.

You are absolutely correct to point out the hypocrisy. Some people do not understand. Either they cannot or they choose not to. Perhaps both.

I am not entirely clear about whether you are calling for a survivor day to be established or if you think such is insulting. Was there recent news on such?

Incidentally, if you happen to know somebody who is hurting, I did write something a while back that might be helpful to him or her (feel free to pass it on accordingly if you feel its worth spreading).


I am not calling for a day to be established; I am calling the already-established day I saw advertised as insulting to the mentally ill and painting their loved ones as the true victims at their hands.