How to control the world - A guide to understanding the mechanism of the universe

in #magic6 years ago (edited)


Do you want to control the world? Nevermind. Are you sure you have your own body in your hands? Are you sure about yourself over your body? Are you sure about your body over yourself perhaps? Are you sure about your perception of an information flow? Information flow in the multidimensional space which you can be given in present form. It is very important for you to be sure about yourself, you may think... But - Who are you after all?
Are you given the power to describe yourself? Is it possible to translate your own entity core into the words? It all happens in strange form of arranging dimensions. Words are useless - unless - you are capable of working with their true essence. You want something? I am not offering anything - I know. It is possible to arrange those strange dimensions in the figure of a tool or a weapon perhaps. Don't be scared - welcome to Earth I guess. We are facing weapons here from our birth. Every action is an offense against the peace until you are the one with the flow. Yes now you must be turning that weapon against me. I know you are, because what else would you possibly do. I know you are curious yet I am blind because at the same time this article haven't been written yet.
I write, because I want to show you - My tool. The form which I have shaped the reality into. I want to tell you, that Mind is a very tricky and difficult to control tool. But it cannot be said. But - You can imagine same as I am imagining. This is the trick we all know isn't it? I will give you three symbols and you will work with them ?
But first I have to turn that weapon from myself back into the open space where I hope it won't hit anybody. The flow of many dimensions colliding one with another, do you remember? How can we survive here where so many things happens? Because we are given - or maybe better say because we have evolved our Mind. Mind is genial. The best friend of a Human or also it can be The best Enemy... Or the worst Enemy. Mind allows us to survive in this universe it is not intelligence. No it is intuition. I can hardly imagine how have we managed to create intelligence but I guess Universe is very tricky thing which you will understand if you will trust your Mind.
The first Symbol I am giving you.   ᛗ   .Mannaz - The symbol represents the dimensions that are bounded to Mankind. There is endless amount of those dimensions. One can imagine under this symbol himself or the force that moves with Humans. Many dimensions and you cannot uncover them without a reason. What reason do We have? Well I assume we are all who is present in this dimension Humans but perhaps some of us are not of a Human kind. Dimensions can be very tricky and it depends on many decisions of many beings. In case that some of us are not humans let's not specify who we are. But I guess if another being enters this dimension aside of Humans they will probably have knowledge of who Humans are or was. Time is relative. Back to the lesson? You may ask.. But how do you know all this? I don't know. But I can present it in a metaphor. Imagine I am a teacher who teach students how to draw. I just make some moves over the paper - The white sheet of thin wood for non-humans - with a charcoal to leave a trail and I pretend it is cube. And it does not matter how well it reminds a cube if the point was to show that charcoal can leave a trail on the paper. For those who have their dimensions to do so I advice to ask questions personally as it would take me some Time to answer them all intuitively. Now you can notice that all I say has a specific direction with which I point out the picture I want you to imagine. But I see that for now it looks like to goal only for those who have seen it and who knows how it looks. I was speaking about controlling your Body - Remember? Let me show you one dimension I found funny. In my last article I have mentioned that control of Human body is Magic. The joke is that in old Norse family of languages - The people who migrated to Scandinavian location in northern Europe by the way I recommend you to wait until the point where I tell you you can leave because otherwise you will not capture the lesson - in case some of us are willing to go. I will try to remind you you wanted to leave. The joke is that magic in that language family is translated by the word Trolldom - the magician is a troll and I was using the word control - just funny thing I noticed - now you can go. So controlling the body - Forgive me for I have lost control over the dimensional perception some of us can feel it but it fits the lesson. If you want to use your mind creatively in other words to perform magic you must learn to concentrate your consciousness. For us Humans again let's not reveal why it is so important in case some of the beings are hostile to ᛗ  it is the first step to learn how to control the world. And on this point I end the lesson because of the reasons known to present Humans and I hope I will draw you another lesson of how to control the world. By the time you can think about why you cannot move with thing on distance and spit fire from your hands. In the next article I will talk about verbal contamination such as Physics. I remembered I promised you to reveal three symbols. I must forget about myself.  ᚨ   .Ansus. This symbol represents the dimensions bounded to words as knowledge, languages, gods and similar. The last symbol I am showing you in this article is:   ᚷ   .Gebo it is used to specify the relation of collaboration it can represent the specification of a Talent - or a Gift. It is the symbol of sharing the wealth for example. Now. Probably only few can go to this dimension of a text and still be capable of understanding as my personal strength begins to wave. I think I should work on designing the text for us Human beings so we can be capable of reading it in one breath. Because my strength to concentrate will improve while some of us can be very impatient. Your homework is meditation and also you should give yourself a rest. At least in my dimensions this article have inspired my own body to improve in some sphere and perhaps some other Humans of my time will be touched by this piece of dimensional art. ᛗᚷᚨ᛫ᚨᚷ᛫ᛗᚨ᛫ᛗᚷ᛬ᚨ᛬ᛗ᛫ᚨᛗᚷᚨᚷᛗ