definiteness, clarity of purpose; a written goal. Imagery, photos, names, dates of projected acquisition. Pen & paper.
Lesser and greater or active and passive magic; exercise walking, running, active form of lesser magic with ultimate goal of getting in shape , end result greater magic.
Definition of magic: a change in reality in accordance with one’s will.
Elemental, ritualistic magic; use of fire, burning, pain, thought transference, telepathy, burning of incense, or use of parchment paper with written desires to burn to enhance telepathic communication of desires to “intellegence”
Infinite intellegence, the universe, higher power, god, Satan, Holy Spirit, or similar formless intellegence capable of producing desires.
Use of will power, habit of persistence, straight from rule books of success 101, know what u want, use hypnotism to surround yourself with “magical devices” used to remind yourself of your goals and desires.
Know what you want, write it down, collect pictures or props related to your desire. Study magic ie aleister Crowley, study success Napoleon hill; or other books related to your goal, don’t give up, use affirmations to combat negative thoughts and doubt.
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