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RE: Blessing of Friendship. Magical Moments. Nature's Beauty. White is White. Sunday Scent Experience. Original Photography

in #magicalmoments7 years ago (edited)

You are always so supportive Judith. I've never been called 'An angel of creation' before. I like it. And thank you SO much.

Like many artists, I can be plagued by a voice that questions the validity of what I am doing. Not necessarily a bad thing to challenge the purpose of one's work, but too much or too often, one's 'worthiness' can stumble and fall ~ Resulting in the all too familiar patterns of procrastination.

Your appreciation truly encourages me to keep working and developing this line of work.

I loved using the diamond structure and find it inspiring that it reminds you of such a beneficial mantra.

I wasn't as familiar with the symbolism of the diamond as the square and circle and when I started looking at the interpretation of the diamond (shape and gem) ~ I had a feeling that I still needed to work with it further. 🦋

Copy of MAGICAL moments roses 8.png


I am happy to be of support ♡
Don't look for validation in the world around you but search it within yourself. Its there. Is nt art merely a form i which your iner motions get translated..and then they resonate with some around you....let this be your validation ♡

A wholeheated and resounding YES Judith.

I'll be away for another week ~ Traveling interstate ~ Will catch up again when I return.

Your words ring true and I will take them with me now. 💖🙏💖