My Magickal Motivations

in #magick8 years ago

Magick is one of my most favorite topics. As I get older, the more orthodox in my ways I tend to become, although I am torn between remaining silent and moving forward to teach the craft to others.

I was trained through both hermetics and Wicca. First, learning and then later attaining the right to claim myself a priestess and being involved in my community doing leadership tasks including teaching, marrying, counseling and the like. Then, I studied hermetics. I tend to lean more towards the Hermetic beliefs these days and most of my own beliefs stem from the 7 Hermetic principles.


When I was younger, I joined the Golden Dawn. During my time there, while I wasn't there too long,I learned enough that I know to do my Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagrams (LBRP) on a daily basis, I remember to express my gratitudes and I do my part to uphold my vows. I left the order due to finances and then I moved. Years later, I found all of the materials from the Order and I decided to go on with my studies. I had shunned Aleister Crowley for years, mainly because as far as the Order was concerned he was still a traitor and had released our sacred teachings to the world. I had made a hard line until I had to move and I lost my books. I was heartbroken and some of Crowley's thoughts became more pertinent. I like to think it is quotes like this. I think he may have been a bit crazy, but party and magick... I can be down with that.


Okay, maybe not that one. But, the fact is, the OTO is far more popular and Crowley is now more popular than Mathers. In fact, most people don't even know who Mathers is, which is sad in it's own right.

S.L Mathers

Here is a picture of him. Samual Liddel Mathers, also known as MacGregor Mathers. We will definitely be talking more about him in future posts because when we get to the point of learning about him. Mathers was definitely an influence on my own practices. He spoke multiple languages and it was his influences that helped to create tarot as we know it today. He was the first to translate Kabbalah Denudata into English and inflienced the practice of Egyptian mythology. He also contributed to the Z Documents, had a number of works published and helped to guide the Order to what it is today. He also was the one that broguht Crowley into the fold, thus the reason I ended up following his teachings years later and why I incorporate them into my own.

While all of this was going on, I was also going to school. There I originally started as an anthropology student and then changed to sociology. I read a number of occult works including a series of books by Helena Blavatsky. I also found the writings of Carl Jung.

From Wiki Page

Other influences of my practices include StarHawk and Scott Cunningham. I grew up in the 90s and was introduced to the craft at the time when the Craft was popular and Wicca was just busting out into the mainstream. This is where I received my training and took my vows. Yes, I said vows. They aren't as common now, but if you think about the time it was much different. I was trained in a strict manner and I submitted to the path of magick in all varieties.

Recent Revelations

Recently, I have been doing a lot of history studies. When I was learning all of this stuff, the internet wasn't actually as available as it is today. This was the day of the dial up while paying for minutes of connection at a coffee shop. I remember setting up classes and paying 20 bucks for the time I used the computer at my local cafe. I have been studying and working on a time line. I don't know how, but I didn't realize the connection of Jung, Crowley, Cunningham and Mathers. I also never realized how much each were connected, helping to create a new magical system.

I still maintain that there is a need for secrecy. I won't break vows by writing on here but I do feel there is a lot to know about the entirety of magick, as we know it today. Before we dig in too deep though, I wanted to talk a bit about my own aspirations and inspirations so that you know where I am coming from.

Thank you for reading! I can't wait to start breaking through some of the challenges of magick, sorting out my own thoughts on the subjects and sharing them with people who would like to discuss them.

Do You Practice? If so, feel free to share your views and practices! Let's open the discussion and get magick working for the betterment of ourselves and those around us!


I think that Crowley opening the teachings to the world is the way of knowledge. Knowledge is meant to be free, not trapped behind dollar signs.

I am a practitioner of Hermetics and Chaos magick. I've studied many forms of magick and have taken on the role of a Discordian Episkipo for the Temple of Appled Thought. The written works are still being translated from vibratory transmissions directly from the core of the Universe, but the tomes shall be made public when complete.

Thank you for the wonderful post. I've been in a Golden Dawn Order for about a year now, Alpha et Omega lineage.
I'm currently reading "Women of the Golden Dawn" which gives the history of Maud Gonne, Moina Bergson Mathers, Annie Horniman, and Florence Farr.
I look forward to reading more of your posts!

I saw a talk based on that book. Used to belong to an active moot where people organised talks. Mostly locals doing talks based on their own interests, practise and favourite books. I still have print outs from the Women of the Golden Dawn one. I should get the book. Which one had 'leaves no traces behind' or similar as their magical name again?

I just read about that motto last night!
It was Moina Mathers - Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum (Latin: "I never retrace my steps", "I leave no traces behind", "No, tracks (footprints) turn back"
Said to indicate selflessness, spiritual evolution and escaping rebirth.

Good ol Moira. Sad what happened to her, in the end. I have always thought, considering her motto, she died under circumstances that should, in theory, propel her to great heights spiritually. I like to think so at least.

It is sad and I bet you're right.

I love that book so much. I got it about 10 years ago or so while browsing in a Barnes n Noble. Got it for my ex-husband as a bowling ball present, lol I ended up reading it a few times. I have some deep love for Maud Gonne, for sure. :)

I've had several friends recommend it and one of them just handed me their copy the other day. I'm really enjoying it!

How lovely! Some of my own magickal lineage (though it is highly eclectic) traces directly back to Mathers as well. After the Golden Dawn disbanded Mathers founded the Order of the Alpha et Omega (AO) who, besides the great Dion Fortune, also had the distinction of being the order to initiate Paul Foster Case shortly after the death of Mathers. He went on to found the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) after a rift between him and Moira Mathers caused his expulsion from the AO in a situation eerily reminiscent of the Crowley/GD debacle. Shortly after the strange "death" (there are questions as to whether he indeed died or "kabbalistically ascended") of Case, a man named Dr. Paul Clark rose through the ranks of the BOTA until, in another similar scenario, he left them to found the Fraternitas Lux Occulta (FLO) which is a very active and wonderful group today. I have never joined any order beyond 0 degrees but if I was going to join one it would be the FLO. Dr. Clark is one of the most enlightened individuals it has been my pleasure to meet and after a lifetime of esoteric study and being in occult circles that is saying quite a bit.

That is saying quite a bit. :) It is nice to find some similar minds and about the other comment, I am on discord. However, I haven't figured how to use it much yet. :/

Upvoted and rEsteemed.
I really appreciate well researched and explained articles on Practical Magic. Thank you and SteemON!


BTW have you joined the SteemMagick Discord server? Lots of really cool occult-minded steemians in there:

I do practise. Mainly alchemy and chaos with some influence from Marian Green style 'Natural Magic'. My other half, @dana-varahi has more of a ceremonial background including the Roscicrucians, Thelema and the Abramelin working. Somehow we manage to work well together... :)

Thank you for sharing!

S.L Mathers translated Abramelin manuscript and I am forever grateful to him for doing so. I wish I would know why he put galangal in the oil recipe! I wonder if anyone ever tried to summon him and ask. Perhaps I should! :D

I love Jungs writings. My favourite is Undiscovered Self . I would love to get my hand on his Red Book. I like grimoire tradition and this seems like such a unique work!

I used to be a fan of Crowley and I still like a lot of his stuff. I guess its probably because he was the best thing I could put my hands on when I was growing up. I became super obsessed with Abramelin Operation. I still am actually. I consider it a wonderful self initiation. I like that you do not need grades, orders etc to do this.

I respect people keeping their vows but I believe that occult knowledge should be openly shared. I grew up in Poland and when I became interested in magick there was very little quality stuff translated. There were also limited options in terms of joining magickal orders. That really changes perspective on secrecy, copyright and number of other, in my opinion, related things. Even if you could read foreign languages, you had to have a lot of money to buy foreign books. If not for pirate culture I would have been severely impoverished occult wise and culture wise in general.

If you ask me, true occult knowledge keeps itself hidden and need no help doing it. :) I see a difference between confidentiality, based on mutual trust, and secrecy, based on elitism.

i'm really interested in the topic. in general i'm in love with human potential. i don't understand the borders of the definition of magick but i hope i will learn more about it.

Well, I think you're in good company here. I plan on sharing the knowledge as best I can. I always hated that I couldn't go back to the Golden Dawn. Then, after years of hoping and deciphering books that I knew to be slightly wrong, I found the books that were for the Order that I went to. The Universe, like life, finds a way. Knowlege is there and ready for the taking, so long as you know where to look ;)

Thank you - this is great stuff. I just requested the Women of the Golden Dawn from the library... I am "out of order" so to speak - just doing my own thing myself - but love to get input from others to explore...

Wow great post!

I love the sound of hermetics everything I believe is the seven laws. I don't recall coming across it. Maybe this is a sign connecting with you on here. I am a reiki master who recently has a calling to shamanism from many different signs including a strange meditation of a past life. Wow I'm kinda lost for words very odd energy I'm getting like a flood of rightness and finding another path. Last few year I have been studying but now have free time (after the job) and so much knowledge if coming.

I thank you an look forward to much more. You know this