Magnet Can Create Electricity

in #magnet6 years ago

Energy is literally everywhere! It's all around us and even inside of us. Our whole universe is made from energy.

Forms of Energy;

Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. If an object is moving, it is said to have kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy is one of the two main forms of energy – the other is potential (stored) energy.

Potential Energy
Potential energy is the energy stored within an object, due to the object's position, arrangement or state.
Potential energy is one of the two main forms of energy, along with kinetic energy.

Types of Energy;

Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is any natural resource that can replace itself quickly and dependably.

Non-Renewable Energy
Non-renewable energy is a source of energy that will eventually run out. Most sources of non-renewable energy are fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil.

Magnets and Electricity
In most objects, all the atoms are in balance with half of the electrons spinning in one direction and half spinning in the other direction. They are spaced randomly in the object.

Magnets are quite different with the atoms at one end having electrons spinning in one direction, while those at the other end spin in the opposite direction. The electrons don't spin in a balanced way. Instead, the electrons line up. This creates a force of energy called a magnetic field around a magnet.

We call one end of the magnet the North (N) pole and the other end the South (S) pole. The force of the magnetic field flows from the North pole to the South pole.

Magnets can make electricity
Just as we can make magnets from electricity we can also use magnets to make electricity. A magnetic field pulls and pushes electrons in some objects near them to make them move.

Metals, like copper, have electrons that are moved easily and can be readily moved from their orbits. If a magnet is moved quickly through a coil of copper wire, electrons move and electricity is made.
If you have ever held two magnets close to each other you would have found that if you try to push the two North poles or the two South poles together, they repel each other. If you put the North pole near the South pole however they pull together, they attract each other.

Electricity can make magnets
If you follow the instructions in the Activity Electromagnetism you will find you can make a magnet with an iron bolt or nail.



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