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RE: Reino de verano

in #mago7 years ago

Beloved, the father of the magician MerlinThe bard Taliesin, had a vision,That through the years I've been singing it in my heart,And my prayer was that the dream comes true.Today, there are many people who have received the missionTo inform possibilities because they have the gift of receiving information And translate it for our attention.In ancient times they were called prophets, today they are called canals, But I want to tell you that we are all really one,Those voices are our voices telling the possibilities.The information that is arriving is for me very important, And I want to share it, it is not a thing that they are real, they are possibilities,And for me, are very inspiring, because in a world of apparent kaos,There are possibilities of rebirth and updating. lets start

after picture

There is a land full of goodness, where every man
Protects the dignity of his brother as his own
Where war and need no longer exist
And all races live under the same law of love and honor,
Constitutes a land where the truth prevails,
Where the word of a man is a guarantee
For falsehood has been banished; In it, children
Sleep safely in the arms of their mothers
And they never know fear or pain.
It is a kingdom where the monarchs extend their hands
To be fair, instead of wielding the sword
Where mercy, kindness and compassion
Flow like a torrent over it
And men worship virtue, truth and beauty
Above the comforts, the pleasures or the selfish interest
A place where peace reigns in the hearts of all,
Faith shines like a beacon from every hill,
And love lights like a bonfire every home
Where the true god is worshiped in his inner temple
And people acclaim their teachings .........
There is a golden kingdom of light, dear ones,
It is known as the summer kingdom

so dear friend, you could not loose this message its important, its a dreamfor all of us, from Taliesin