Ways to Earn:
**Display the tags on our website
**If we do not have a website, we can promote our promotion page
**Every time an ad is seen by a visitor, we will earn points:
**For every promotion page visited, we will earn 3 points
**There are different sizes of promotion tags: 728x90, 300x250, 160x600, 468x60 will allow us to earn 1 point, and Siteunder
will allow us to earn 5 points
--*-Payment Information:
***************Minimum payout: $10
**Payment Processors: PayPal, bitcoin, Payza
**Pay rate varies according to the income earned by AdsPtp from the members.
**Last month rate: $0.02006 for 1000 points.
---Referral Program:
***Earn 50% of referral's earnings
Payment Proof:
**On the website, it is stated that it has total paid $33,377 since April 2015, and there is a list of payment proof shown.
*Personal Opinion:
**I am not sure if this is a good way to earn some passive income by placing ads on my blogs, or perhaps promoting my personal page. I wonder if I can promote it via traffic exchange. Perhaps it might help me to earn faster if I can do that. It is just that minimum payout is quite high, and I have no idea if I can reach there.
**If you are interested, check it out here: AdsPTP