Finding healthy snacks can be tricky, and likewise finding time to prepare healthy snacks can be tricky too. Particularly these days when even so-called 'healthy' store-bought snacks are flavoured with artificial flavourings, sugar, or excessive amounts of salt. If they were ever healthy before they went through these commercial processes, they're certainly not healthy afterwards!!!
Thankfully, it's really easy to prepare super healthy and super delicious snacks of seeds and nuts. They are my ultimate favourite snack, satisfying in flavour and crunch. They're wonderfully satiating too, so perfect for weight-loss, or for a light snack to accompany exercise, or to give your children an energy boost (without making them bounce off walls!)
To transform seeds and nuts into truly irresistible snacks, you simply ROAST THEM.
If you don't already eat them, or if you've never tried roasting them...
I challenge you to give them another chance!
Look, here is my 2-year-old son enjoying seeds. Yes, seeds, not sweets!!! And he loves them.
For example, below are un-roasted pumpkin seeds. Dark, hard, stick in your teeth, taste OK but not exactly 'more-ish'...
But roast them under the grill for a few minutes and suddenly they are transformed! Look how roasting brings out the colours - purples, oranges, greens, yellows... They taste and smell amazing, and the texture is now slightly brittle, making them super more-ish for all these reasons!
I simply spread them in an even layer (any kind of seeds, but the bigger ones like pumpkin and sunflower are the most satisfying), and roast them under a medium-hot grill for a few minutes. You will hear them 'popping' so when they do you know they're nearly ready - but careful not to burn them!
Transfer into a small jar and pop them in your handbag, car, lunchbox, or even your toolbox! Keep stashes of seeds everywhere for those occasions when your belly won't shush with its growling.
Little colourful seed pots for the little 'uns to take to school, the park, or wherever!
Nuts are just the same... some of them taste great already like pecans, but others I think taste way nicer roasted, such as cashews, brazils, almonds, hazelnuts. Simply throw into a roasting tray and pop into a medium-hot oven for about 10 minutes, until golden-looking. Easy!
Sprinkle with black pepper (or other seasonings/spices) if desired, but this isn't necessary. Just like the seeds, the now-roasted nuts become softer to munch on, and taste amazing. No longer stick in your teeth or leave that slightly unpleasant almost-bitter after-taste that many nuts have.
Jar up and enjoy munching! They make perfect movie snacks too.
Make It Healthy LUNCHBOX". Let's get our children eating healthy NOW so they don't have to learn how to heal later on in life!If you have any healthy suggestions or recipes that would make great snacks, please tag your post with #makeithealthy and they will feature in my new curation series "
For all kinds of health information, tips, recipes (vegan/vegetarian), crafts, photography, and more, please follow me!
To find out what the "Make It Healthy Project" is all about, and how you can be involved in growing this project, please click here.
thanks for sharing such a wonderful information.
I'm glad you appreciated it, and thanks for taking the time to look!
Your most welcome.
Toasted pepitas are fantastic! I am not great at carving pumpkins (that's more my boyfriend's domain), but I will happily scoop out the guts to get to the delicious seeds. ;)
I'm the opposite - scooping out seeds is one of my least favourite tasks! Especially butternut squash.. ugh... makes my wrist ache :-) But the effort sure is worth it!
I never heard them called pepitas, but I love the sound of that word and will use it from now on!!!
I could do without the scraping, but I do love the squishy feeling when you stick your hands inside the pumpkin, ha! It can be a pain to rinse off all of the guts to get to the seeds, though. Still worth it.
And pepitas totally sounds adorable, so I love using it, too. :)
It'd make a cute name the next time I find a stray kitten :-)
Such a great take-along snack. I roasted a batch of mixed nuts with a little desiccated coconut the other week and they came out great.
:-) No-one ever gave me roasted nuts or seeds when I was a child... if only I'd known how delicious they were it may have saved my body from years of processed snack abuse!!! Glad to hear you enjoy them too, but then I knew you would you healthy person you! :-)
Well we grow up in the era of processed junk food :( Luckily times are changing fast.
They are for sure! I've noticed my local supermarket in town, and even the smaller shops in the villages, have started doing more plant-based products, organic, and even sugar free products like jam! (still can't buy sugar-free bread though... go figure). I think there's a definite wave of change in the air, and more parents are getting clued up about health, thank goodness!
Ohh wow really. In Belgium no bread has sugar. Unless it's brioche-style. Find myself eating more bread again by owning a bakery hehe. Best thing, I know exacly what's in it and where raw materials came from. No preservaties, no sugar, and no other strange ingredients, just flour, water, natural yeast, and sea salt. And seeds and nuts. Yum. Have a lovely day.