How To Make Money Online Fast From Home With A Dropshipping Business (Chapter 1)

This is meant for those who are willing to commit and put in the effort
into starting and establishing multiple streams of passive income online. It
is not for those who want to sit back and collect money. You can do that by
investing in the financial markets and by entering into some alternative
investments. However if you do not have the capital and/or do not wish to
risk your savings, establishing passive income streams online is the only
way to go. Our world today is so digitalized. Everything is done online.
Even some of the biggest businesses are operating solely on the internet.
Times have changed and so has the landscape for moneymaking. We no
longer have to use cheque books nor pay in physical currency nor cash. All
we have to do is swipe a card at the diner or pay by clicking a button on

Times have changed and people are spending more online by the
day. It is only sensible to make full use of this rising trend and make big
money out of it. In this book I will show you some of the PROVEN methods
that I personally have used and still am applying today. You will get to learn
from my mistakes so that you will not have to repeat them. You will see that
the life that you desire is not actually that far away. Be it laying on a beach
in Maldives or making your parents proud of you. You will realize that what
you ultimately seek is right in front of you. I am glad you have taken a leap
of faith by reading this book. Therefore I feel obligated to give you as much

knowledge as I can. Let us begin on the first chapter.

Chapter 1: The Money Mindset

Business and entrepreneurship is always a tough start. Being a successful
person is not just what you wake up and become. For you to be the
success you really wished for, you have to do what successful people are
doing that makes them win. Successful people have a different mindset
from every other person, the way they think and do things is always
special. In this chapter, I will be taking you through what you have to do to
have a winner’s mindset.
Before we move on, let us set the right tone and mindset. A dropshipping
business model is far from the fantasies of easy money and get rich quick
schemes. A dropshipping business, like every other thing in life, requires
hard work and dedication combined with knowledge and multiple failures.
Never good is ever easy. The biggest victories and greatest rewards never
come from the completion of easy tasks.
Mental preparation refers to act of preparing mentally or unlocking the mind
to achieve success. It helps in developing concentration and decision
making skill. Mental preparation is training the mind for successful
performance. Here are some of the elements of mental preparation:
mental sturdiness, inspiration, motivation, composure, goal setting, stress
management and relaxation. The pressure to be successful increases
when going into any business or taking any kind of risk and mental
preparation is more important than ever.
Anxiety impedes your decision-making ability, which leads to an imperfect
execution, and lowers your performance. Mental preparation is key to

remaining relaxed and composed under the pressure of been successful.
You must be psychologically and mentally prepared to face all the
challenges ahead without fear.

Here are some mental preparation tips to keep you performing at your
best level

 Develop a consistent plan that instills confidence. A good plan will
help you focus on what you need to do to perform. Taking time before
going into business to mentally prepare will create confidence,
composure, and relaxed mindset.
 Focus on the process, not results. Focusing on the outcome of the
business causes you to think too far ahead and sets too many
expectations for the business. You will start to put too much pressure
on yourself which is not healthy for your business.
 Have trust in yourself. Believing in yourself and skill instil confidence
in you. You have to perform freely and trust in your skills, it will really
help your productivity.
Become mentally prepared by focusing on your goal and all the laid down
plans, avoid thinking about results, and trust your preparation and ability.
There is surely going to be many obstacles to achieving financial freedom
through passive income, be strong, courageous and never give up. It is
important to understand all the obstacles and challenges ahead and be
fully prepared so that you can manage them well. Being honest with
yourself and keeping your eyes open will increase your chances of success
in this business. You should not run away from obstacles, do not try to play

it safe and find another way out, confront it with confidence and never give
up. You are never defeated until you accept defeat as a reality and stop
trying, so you have to keep pushing hard and never lose your focus. Just
accept any obstacle that comes as you move on with your business and
fight it off with solutions that are extremely creative. The only real
limitations on what you can accomplish are those that you impose on
yourself. The troubles will come, the challenges will be many and the
opposition fierce, but be confident and stay strong, you will come out
successful. The dictionary defines courage as the quality of mind enabling
one to face danger or hardship resolutely. It is the ability to control fear and
to deal with danger, pain and uncertainty. It also means bravery,
fearlessness and gallantry. Outstanding success is for strong-hearted men.
It takes toughness to taste triumph. Courage — your access to outstanding
"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
-- Napoleon Hill
Hardwork is the pathway to progress, the means to produce a desired
result and it will take you to the top where you belong. The more you apply
yourself to hardwork, the better you become. A hard worker presses on in
spite of all odds.

Success is impossible until your hands are set to work.
Diligence is one of the principles for success on the earth, it involves
investing your abilities, strength and all you have into the pursuit of your
goal. The cheapest way to fight failure is to work hard. There is no
substitute for hard work, if you must succeed. Great success will not come
your way without great commitment. Committed work toward a desired
result is also a key to your success. You have to be persistent in what

you’re doing because persistency is norm for winners. The driving force
behind productivity is diligence, so you have to work diligently for you be
highly productive. Without diligence you can accomplish nothing. It is
impossible to see success without diligence. Success is not a gift, it is an
achievement. It is not imposed on people, it is obtained by proper planning
and due diligence. Hardwork is the key to your personal development,
output, and achievement. Excellent work always profits the worker.

Planning is the process of making the right decision carefully on how to get
things done prior to actually starting to do it. Without making the right
decision on how to run our daily business, we will never be able to optimize
our productivity. You need to concentrate your time and resources in
planning to accomplish your goals.

Making the right decision before starting to do something is never a waste
of time. Productivity will increase geometrically and there will be a great
reduction in the execution time when sufficient time is spent in planning
which will make you more successful.
The lack of discipline is the nemesis of success. For you to be highly
successful in this BUSINESS you must be highly disciplined. You need to
do the right thing at the right time. You will never find a successful person
who is not diligent in all his ways. From the story of great and successful
men, you will find out that they are dedicated and diligent worker.
Knowledge is not beneficial until it is transformed into Action, everything
you’re going to learn in this book is going to be a total waste if you did not
stand up and act immediately.

"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the
result of selfishness." -- Napoleon Hill
Productivity simply means realizing your desired goals and achieving
favorable results. If you really want to realize your long term goals, you
need to clearly envisage them and do the right things at the right time.
People that are highly productive carefully plan well and prioritize their life
and their actions towards their business.
To have success, you must choose to have focus. Focus stimulates your
desire to be a winner. It’s important to remember that focus is an attitude
before it becomes an action, and it’s a journey more than a destination.
Focus demands your discipline to become a winner, and discipline begins
with a definite decision by you. Focus also strengthens your determination
to become a winner. Your position may never change, until there is that
inner force propelling you towards your desired goal. Pursuit is the relevant
force that helps bring your long term goal into reality. You should be goal-
driven and motivated. The best investment is in your own education. Invest
time and money into dropshipping business. Create a timeline and set

“A goal without a timeline is simply a dream.”
– Robert Herjavec, Shark Tank Billionaire

If you are a person who requires instant rewards and gratification, this book
is not for you. Dropshipping enforces the concept of delayed gratification. In
this day and age we are living in a fast paced world. We are constantly
bombarded by information that is readily available everywhere. Hence I
would understand if the concept of delayed gratification is foreign to you.

We touch a switch and the lights instantly appear. We whip out our phones
and are able to do wonders with it instantly. Technology has made us crave
instant gratification. However with the advancement of technology comes
great opportunity. There is BIG MONEY to be made. Execution is way
more important than an idea. Online income defines the new rich. Put in the
work first, reap the rewards later and FOREVER.


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