.................AND HE DIED

in #maker7 years ago (edited)


There is a temporary drift from my previous posts and i promise to  return to it again at some point in the future. Our previous lessons have been very helpful to lot of people and i do not intend to let you stranded as you follow me. The next segment also promise to be very helpful to all of us, follow patiently and support me as you have always done.


At the beginning He did not plan that his creature, that is his creature made in his image will see dead. He had made it in his own image and likeness not intending that one should died at all. He placed  him in a wonderful field to attend to His other creatures both plants and animals alike with specific instructions. 

The yound man was not lacking in anything. Everything he needed was at his disposal to eat and drink. This young man was lonely; perhaps that was the only problem that he was facing. Before this young man could complain to his maker, the maker already knows and provided him with a beautiful damsel. 

This damsel equally was happy and was not lacking what to eat and drink. The damsel has tasted all kinds of fruit in the field except one which is companion has warmed her never to taste. She obeyed, but one fateful day while her companion was out there in the field doing his official assignment, an enemy of the maker came in and    suggested to the young lady while she should taste this fruit.

So sad! she yielded to this advice and eat and as a lovely and caring lady, she kept for her companion. The young man collected this fruit from the woman and eat without asking question. After eating they understood that they have been naked without knowing. Oh! eating of this fruit had made them know what they did not thougt of before. 

The maker can no longer relate with them as usual because they are disobedient people. Now the maker sees them as uncleaned and filthy, though he still love them but hates their action. because of his love for them, he clothed them and sent them out of the field since they knew that they were naked. 

This is a brief on creation; The maker is God, The man is Adam, the Damsel is Eve while God's enemy is the Serpent .

look forward to your comments and upvote. 

watch out for more on this