Recorded Developer Updates
Thank you all for joining the weekly meeting. We have 17 participants on the call today.
Agenda items should be posted to forum.makerdao.comRocket Chat or in #meeting-agenda on
Upon conclusion of the formal portion of the meeting, further topics will be discussed and debated.
Maker Core:
- Prism [simple voting] (DRI: Ryepdx)
- Largely complete
- Reviewed by Nikolai and Rain
- Sai - Simplecoin (DRI: Rain)
- Mainnet public release, currently >$300k Sai
- Now iterating on UX
- Keepers (DRI: reverendus)
- Keepers active on mainnet, no activity so far
- Some SAI funding for the arbitrage keeper needed
- Some framework improvements in the meantime
Oasis (DRI: Geronimo):
- Frontend:
- Sai trading deployed at
- General:
- Internal review of order matching by Ryepdx
Marketing (DRI: Matt)
- New website live
Foundation Update:
- Foundation notarial deed under review
General Topics:
Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text
Nice post
Thanks For Share. like it.
About sai trading: don't see it at - there is no sai in the tokens list. Where am I wrong?
link to Sai is actually (updated post)
So I have just met The Maker :-)
Good post @kennyrowe , I see your post always improved, why with my post there is no support and no one likes. Could it help me for his support. thank you