MakerDAO governance meeting July 31st 2016

in #makerdao9 years ago

Formal Governance

16 in attendance

Formal governance meeting simulates on-chain proposals. Proposals need to be clearly stated, debated, and generally agreed to prior to the meeting. Once a proposal has gone through these three checks it can be brought up in the formal governance meeting for finalization. Proposals should be posted to forum.makerdao.comRocket Chat and can also be discussed in #proposal-discuss on

MKR Sale to Fund Operations (proposal)

August Budget

  • Nexus $20,000
  • OneUP $10,000
  • Rain $7,000
  • GGT $5,000
  • Total $42,000

Dev Update:

Simple Stable Coin

Maker Core

Security Audit

  • Peter has audited each individual component and is now working on gaining holistic understanding of the system.

General Topics:

Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text

Video Update

  • Script one completed, and script two being revised

Project idea: ERC20 Token Browser

Audio Link


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Similar, but not the same. Might be similar next week, and the after that, so on and so forth ;)

Thanks, Kenny! What kind of topics do you guys cover after the recording? I'm very interested in all things Maker does, no matter how peripheral it is to the main agenda. It's just hard to attend the meetings with work schedule and time zone differences.