The Steemit Bounty Contest #1 - Wanted: Alive and Well - couples on Steemit

Why you should participate:

This contest is in support of @davemccoy's new initiative #play4anewbie:

We are like one big family on Steemit, so I am on a mission to find out about people on Steemit that are connected to each other in different ways. To do this I have revived the time-honored tradition of a bounty contest, where any Steemians can claim a bounty for couples that they know on Steemit.

Conditions of the bounty:

  • The bounty will be active 7 days from when this is first posted, with additional bounties to be paid out after the expiry of the bounty at my discretion.
  • Bounties will continued to be paid out until I run out of SBD in my account or the expiry date (whichever happens first).
  • A bounty of 0.05 BSD will be paid out for each valid claim along with sufficient evidence (provided in the comments section of this post).
  • There is no limit to the amount of bounty each user can claim. However, it must not be a couple that is already on my existing list of couples on Steemit:

I would like to acknowledge all the wonderful people in @greetersguild, @newbieresteemday and @newbiegames that are working hard to support all the newcomers and making this community a much better place for everyone. We aim to learn and grow together to help make Steemit the best social media platform for the new digital/cryptocurrency economy!

Good luck on your hunt!


Wow, how do you know all these couples! I'll have to keep track of the numbers for the payout :) Thanks for your contributions.

Hahah they’re just my friends here lol. There are a few more too, but I’m not familiar with one of the partners as much and I didn’t want to search the names out. You’re welcome, cool bounty contest 🦄🎉

Thanks, I ran a few bounty contests when I had about 50 followers and not surprisingly it didn't go so well. Now with a few more followers I am hoping to do some more bounty contests since there is a fair bit of interest :)

Nice! Yes, Carey is my wife, married for 23+ years and I've known her for 30. Wonderful post @fibrefox! Well done.

Hi @wwf, what is your wife's Steemit account name?

@mountainjewel listed it above. ;) @carey-page.

Reunion Island.Asher @abh12345 and Sylvia @osm0sis are a couple too. Here they are traveling together in

Correct! Although we are 'back at base' in Mallorca at present :)

Welcome home! Cold and rainy there now, right? Greetings from Thailand! (not rainy and NOT cold!) :)

Thanks :D

Yes, that is the current forecast but summer begins next week apparently!

Thailand sounds like the better option to me :D

Come visit! It's a great time, it's the Songkran festival now, basically a country-wide water fight!

How could I have missed this Steemit power couple :D Thanks for your bounty claim!

Hi there.

I will have to go with @starthere and @suitcasemama!

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!

Another couple that has clocked up quite a few kilometres around the world and sharing it on Steemit :)

Happy to see your bounty contest starting up again! You gave me my first $0.20 bounty win on here and that was incredibly HUGE for a newbie. I know you're just starting out with this account but the value doesn't matter, it is the heart and intention that is meaninful. :)

I have been waiting for an opportunity to get the bounty contest going again, and if you hang around @davemccoy long enough you know that there are plenty of opportunities to engage with the community and make a difference :) Hopefully I can get this account moving along and start giving out some better prizes soon!

I've hung around @davemccoy since the start of my steemit journey and definitely know he has many ideas juggling around in that magnificent mind of his. ;)

Plenty of opportunities for sure, but engaging is tiring work. I plan on taking some time offline to enjoy the fresh spring air but can't wait to see how everything progresses. Of course I will still pitch in when I can, but not all of us can be the energizer bunny like our dear friend Dave.

I hope you will grow this account too!

What a sexy couple!

(how do I whistle on Steemit?)


Here is a puppy's version of a whistle! --credit to giphy site. We call that the wink in human language. :)

Ha! We'll take it! :)

@kiwideb and @sift666 - it's common knowledge and I know because she is my sister :)

Here is another couple if I remember correctly from when I welcomed @roundhere on his 3rd day on Steemit.

@roundhere and @whatsup

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!

I have been following @whatsup for a while on Steemit but didn't know @roundhere so that's a good pickup :)

I do know a few but at the vets and the only one top of mind is @erodedthoughts & @imaginedragon. Ill update with more later

I knew that I can count on you for at least a couple of couples :)

Two more now im home. @preparedwombat & @plentyaducks, also @skycae & i think @offgridninja.

Hopefully they see there names and confirm as i saw this in posts ages ago and have been collecting them all up for you lol.

Thanks for getting these names together for me :) I am going to update that list again soon after the bounty expires and think of some interesting games for @newbiegames, @asapers or the @ifc!

I get a 'User Not Found' message when I tried to look up @plentyaducks :(

Have to see some of the classics that Trev has found to feature on his page.I only know one couple on steemit, I am sure there are a lot more, and @s0u1(Trev). If you like good stories then visit michelle's pae and find her story "Ash and the Favour Man" that was a great read. Now if you are more into things that have four wheels and look like a piece of art work, then you

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!


I had to look at @s0u1's blog but there is a mention of his wife in this post:

Ohh this one is great! i definitely know a couple here on Steemit. I am really looking up to them. They're such an AWESOME couple. :) So, that is @junebride and @panoramicview :) :)

I found this post that mentions this couple and the project that they are working on:

Ohh, yup. :) :) That's them. They go a lot of travels together and wants to share those here in the Steemit world and leave a legacy to their future family as well. :) They're amazing! :)

I know for a fact that @dahmsy79 & @shesasaint are a couple. How do I know? I was at their wedding.

Seems like they are in teamaustralia and are Aussie Steemians but I don't know about them. Do you have a wedding photo somewhere as I couldn't find details of the relationship in their blog (which was largely about AFL)?

It was a few years ago now, and I don't think it would be appropriate to share their photo without their permission, and yes, both are very passionate AFL supporters

One couple I know here is @insideoutlet and her husband @shai-hulud who are active in promoting quality content on Steemit and @asapers.

They are already on my list so you'll have to dig a little bit deeper :) Apparently @insideoutlet tells me that she knows a few that are not on my list.

Lol, Alive and well... Time to start looking!

Perhaps I should have suggested this as an IFC round instead :p Look at all the comments coming in... and I thought I already had a pretty big list :D

Perhaps I should have suggested this as an IFC round instead :p Look at all the comments coming in... and I thought I already had a pretty big list :D

I am positive that @tifaong and @williamsyee are a couple... And can I add more to the list during the week as I dig through and find your bounty? :P

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!


Do you have some evidence of this like some content on their blog? I thought @tifaong was trying to get her boyfriend on Steemit...

If you find more you can definitely add to your list during the week, that's the best thing about this bounty contest :)

I will try to confirm... I am pretty sure, but now that you say that I will have to check myself ;)

Well, it might be a bit awkward if it turns out not to be the case :D I had to check all the comments to make sure that there is a solid reference somewhere to one person being the other person's partner. In this case I just remember that she was trying to convince her partner to join and I don't know if she succeeded or not :p

Well, I looked at this post and still couldn't tell for sure:

I didn't see any glasses in this picture so I am guessing he is still not on Steemit?

lol... what the heck are you talking about??? Did you read the post from @williamsyee (hint: he has a girl named "tifa" that travels with him and they sleep in the same bed)

@williamsyee and @tifaong are bf and girlfriend and they are both on steemit.

they travel together, stay in the same room together, and talk about doing things together with each other all the time.. There is only one bed in the villa they stayed in...

and here is a quote:

After finished Tifa and I back room and rest for a while and unpack our stuff.

What other proof would you like to see :)

proof.@newcastle and @drmarysawdon are definitely a couple. Here's the

Another bounty claim confirmed!

couple@enternamehere and @jschindler are most definitely a

I'll need to keep track of your bounties, that's three so far I think?

a lot!@coruscate and @raised2b seem to like each other

I'll have to check steemdb to see if @starthere beat you to this bounty or not :D

No problem :)

Wow, I have lost track of how many couples you have listed... this is great :)

intro post.I was on a roll last night so I went with it! Probably should have put them all in one comment! Found one more just now: @roger-that and @patricia-nvs are an engaged couple who will get married later this year according to his

Oh fun! The couples I know of:

@raluca and @dragosrua @donnadavisart and @winstonalden @bkdbkd and @exyle @damira and @dandesign86 @dayleeo and @teamhumble @paolobeneforti and @silviabeneforti And then there's @mountainjewel who share 1 account. The rebels ;)

There are some very famous Steemians in that last, and I like finding out about our Steemian power couples! Thanks for the contribution :)

@hilarski and @anahilarski @jerrybanfield and @laurabanfield

Seeing as we are dropping power couples now 😬

The first couple are on my list already (a Steemit family now I believe) but not the second one (surprising I know) :) I think I probably need to make a separate list for power couples!

Looks like I need to go find a few myself as well just to make it a bit harder for everyone :p

Cool challenge! A few come to mind here @fibrefox:

Speaking of "power couples," how about @lukestokes and @corinnestokes?

And there's my own Human family @denmarkguy and @cosmictriage, although she's not really active anymore.


Hmm... don't know how I managed to miss the Stokes couple :p But it would be great to see your own human family become a little bit more active again :)

Lots mentioned here, but I didn’t see these:

@canadianrenegade (Aimee and Matt) share the same account @alovelymess and @drobinson @emmyem84 and @bradlovesbeer @ironmanmatt and @helenoftroy ;)

Also @steemspots is a joint account of two Steemians.

Oops, one more ... @derangedvisions and @faitherz33

Hi @helenoftroy, thanks for all those names! And just in time before the bounty closes as well :)

I was holding a baby in one hand, typing with the other, racing to beat the clock ;)

That is actually why I didn't include the "proof" links though ... the one twin was too squirmy to hold for long ... but it should be pretty apparent when you visit their profiles and recent blog posts. But if you're having trouble, I can go back and verify :)

To all the people who have claimed bounties, I have started paying out with three or less claims. I'll have to sort through the comments for the people with more claims and then power down to get some SBD to pay for the bounties so my apologies for the delay and thanks for your patience :)

There were a total of 41 couples submitted to the bounty and minus the non-eligible entries the total payout is 1.95SBD, of which I have paid out 1.65SBD:

@helenoftroy I haven't forgotten about you... just waiting for a few more SBDs to pay out and then I'll make the transfer. I didn't realize there would be so many claims :p

Also to anyone who hasn't received their payout or I've missed you, please let me know and I'll make sure you get your bounty :)

Finally, the last of the bounty payout: