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RE: NewbieGames Bingo - Make connections and have fun (over 5SBD in prizes)

in #makesteemitgreat-again7 years ago (edited)

Great game! Thanks for organising this =)

My entry can be found here and this is my lucky Bingo card:


EDIT (25th Feb): swapped top left corner's sweetcha for plushzilla due to an unintended repeat. Thanks to @plushzilla for spotting it!

Since luck would have it that all these guys are on my Bingo card, I'm going to check out everyone's blogs before the contest starts too!


Just noticed that you have sweetcha there twice. I don't suppose there is a rule against it unless you think there is a good chance that it will come up more often than you would expect by random chance :)

Thanks for spotting it! Didn't mean for that to happen.

Thanks for your entry! There are lots of really great people on this list and I think you'll enjoy finding out more about them. Unfortunately I am a bit stuck with your code-breaking game so I might have to wait and see if there is a clue or two floating about somewhere :p

Oh no... I was thinking about whether I made it too difficult >.< I should probably put up a hint for stage 2!

I have tried a few things and probably been overthinking it too much :p But the search for the solution actually allows you to discover a few other interesting things as well, such as your LinkedIn profile :)