I actually don’t recall coming across a full synopsis of the concept on your Instagram posts, so that was a good read! And of course I fully relate to the one-man-army project feeling.
I actually don’t recall coming across a full synopsis of the concept on your Instagram posts, so that was a good read! And of course I fully relate to the one-man-army project feeling.
Thank you for reading, I always feel instagramers have no time or interest in reading the descriptions and such. There's quite a few issues I have with insta, like the forced resizing of images. And as much as I love family support, I feel most of my audience is just my family on insta 😅 Gotta preach my gratitude toward you for introducing me to this site and answering my noob comic maker questions. I feel this could be a better reach out towards a broader audience
I can understand that vibe from Insta! Coming more from here... I know I tend to pretty much shoehorn whole blog posts into my captions there! 😆 I'm excited to see you posting here because it is so early. I feel optimistic that creators like us will be poised and ready to take advantage of a growing audience and network.