Well that was way more answer than I expected! I think you have considered all your needs and goals thoroughly and made the right decision for yourself. Gosh I love this place. And "the money" has nothing to do with why I do. :)
All of this exchange is why. And you are exemplary of it all.
SirCork. I've been to the UK, but the ferries to Ireland were closed for bad weather, so I never made it over there. My name comes from a combo of my actual name in real life "Corky" and my decades old video game handle "SirCork" first coined in Everquest back in the 90s ;)
"...you are exemplary of it all." Wow! Thank you for the compliment!
And thank you for bringing me up to speed on the true inspiration of your moniker here on STEEMIT. It is even more interesting than my fantasy. :)
It's well deserved!
here is the current Sir Cork in Guild Wars 2 (which I play fairly frequently) and in Eve Online (which I login to about once every two years LOL) and the real me, for comparison to my online creations for the games ;) I like to play myself as somebody else in these game worlds :)
Meet Sir Cork ;)
All of your portraits look awesome and wothy of knighthood!
Go forth Sir Cork and do what must be done. May the forces of the universe always align in accordance with your wishes!
I wish for nothing, but health and peace for all. Maybe some wealth here and there for good measure ;) Thanks for the pleasant conversation! :D
...and so it shall be. :)
My pleasure. Thank YOU.