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RE: Posting Bahasa Melayu : Posting in Malay Language

in #malay8 years ago

@cikxaijen ... glad to see BM posting here...hehehe...takpe bahasa rojak2 pun oklah. Team Indonesia dah berkembang besar dari Team Malaysia and yes dia orang pakai Bahasa Indonesia. Sebab senang nak blog dalam bahasa native. That is why kita kena guna BM so yg tak reti pakai English tu tak kekok sangat :)


Torbaiikkkk ehheheheh. Kita grow our audience! Yeah

hehe buat masa ni, pakai english dulu. dalam 10000 malaysian mungkin 1 je yang tau pasal steem :'D

I agree. Btw, are you in the Malaysia Steemit FB group? Team Malaysia is growing but not everyone keen to participate la, even if they knew. Bandar folks might be receptive to the idea of earning cryptocurrency but rural folks might find it's a hard concept to grasp :)

not actively online on once a week login lol