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RE: That's the last one for the year! Here's an interview with every Malls Baller who was willing to be subjected to my questions last night!

in #mallsballers6 years ago

Well done mallsballers! Great interview Holo!

I love your community down there. You guys have had a huge year and it shows with so many amazing things coming from Adelaide.

Bring on 2019!!


Thanks! :)

I'm sad I can't make to the Christmas shindig, I would have loved to attend! next year, Adelaide. Book your flights, or get your car serviced. No matter what you do, make sure you're here!

We're gonna try and live stream ;) so all hope is not gone! But yeh, still spew you cant come. I have already told Hubby about next year's party and that we gotta go to Adelaide next year :D

I just remembered I need to pack your silver dragon for the trip!

Ohhh yeh!!!! 🎅🎅🎅
Cheers Stefan! 2 weeks to go!!!