A mountain of facebook profile banners, colorfully lit national monuments and screams of racism-- the West must be under attack by islamists again. The conspiracy theorists, apologists, and other obscurants are out there heaping shame on the rest of the population. They can't imagine a world in which they are not liked, after all, they worked so hard censoring every controversial thought they've ever had just for social achievement points.
They are not our most informed civilians, nor hardest working. They don't know much about the complexities of these conflicts. They are concerned about racism, though, but they are concerned about racism for a different reason than their do-gooder personas let on. These anti-westerners have thrown in with the terrorists. During World War II, in countries like Holland and France many of these same people would be called Nazi Sympathizers, and after the War they were paraded through the streets, shaved bald, clothing ripped off, as the crowd carved swastikas into their heads.
That is the sober solution to terrorism; we have to identify and punish the anti-western terrorist-aligned sympathizers in our own ranks. Children's' lives depend upon us rooting out these vile, vain, solipsistic social parasites. There is no way to stop the importation of millions of potential jihadis until we root out the apologists, shame them and humiliate them publicly.
How awful... how cruel... how can we shame those people? Simple, copy them, they have no problem shaming you publicly as a racist for the feelings you have RIGHT AFTER every single terrorist attack. Shame, especially towards these do-gooder left-wing socialites, is an incredibly effective tool. And a few carvings never hurt nobody neither.