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RE: EU Continues Mass Immigration after Manchester: Why?

in #manchester8 years ago

I have to say, it is quite sad how far apart our thinking is... I can make tons of predictions about it. If you're European, you're middle to upper middle class; likely have a college education, etc. Maybe I'm wrong, but its likely.

While your average person is wondering how they could let this mass immigration continue, you can't even find a problem. Its remarkable how disconnected you are from your countrymen and its people. Its hard for us to even communicate, you think there are only 4.5 million muslims in all of Europe, you don't realize London's largest demographic is Islamic, so its hard to converse. I'm thinking you cant even possibly be European now that I think about it, how can you not know all this?


As I said in my other reply, the 4.5 million number I gave was the number that have migrated during this current migrant crisis.

you don't realize London's largest demographic is Islamic

London is 12% Islamic, so no, it is not the largest demographic. Where did you come up with that?