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RE: Ariana Grande Explosion Manchester another False Flag attack?

in #manchester8 years ago
anorther False Flag attack
People have died. People have lost loved ones, their children. You put forward no credible evidence whatsoever apart from safety drills being carried out in public venues (which is common practice, not a statistically unbelievable anomaly) and claim a false flag event.

I'm sorry if this response seems overly harsh. But unbased grand speculation adds nothing but confusion to an extremely traumatic and terrible event.

And what do these drills as they are not succesfull in stoping the attack or minimizing casualties?

The drills are designed to improve venue security. But also (and very importantly) to assist in training first-responders to a scene such as this one. Minimising harm is exactly what these drills are about, by teaching staff, medical, security/police officers how to respond.

My heart goes out the victims and their families and I hope to see the evidence and investigation occur once everyone is safe.