Slaying the Dragon!
Saving the Princess!
Slaughtering the Enemy!
Beating the Super-Villain!
It seems the everywhere in the world there are ideas and concepts about what "hero" or "real man" should be like and do. I know that many of those ideas seem to be based in fantasy, and not in reality, so let's list a few more realistic accomplishments that men seem to use to really make themselves feel like they have accomplished something.
Sleep with the most women
Drink the most beers
Win the most fights
Score the most goals
Have the biggest bank account
Have the biggest house
Have the fanciest car
Personally, if how much of a man you are is based upon what kind of car you drive, you may want to see if you any testosterone. A vehicle should never make, or break, your manhood. If a vehicle can make, or break, your masculinity, it makes me wonder how much you really have, man.
I've always thought that the man should make the car, not the other way around!!!
Anyway, it seems that time and time again, all of society, or at least the portions of society that still believe in beings called men, measures us by all sorts of whacked out standards, and when we focus on "measuring up" according to those so-called standards, we really miss the true mark.
Look, over the years I've spent a lot of time in the jail ministry, talking to all sorts of male inmates, and sometimes a few females too. Time and time again, deep down these men know the things that should characterize a true man, and yet, repeatedly, they choose to do contrariwise.
Truly, an honest, kind, respectful, peaceful, and caring man can be a huge asset.
A lying, cruel, disrespectful, violent, and careless man can be a huge liability.
Yet, despite how true those statement are, let's guess what type of character Hollywood will have play the next hero in the next blockbuster they put out. I'll bet he's at least disrespectful and violent. I mean who would want to watch anything else?
There used to be a time when you could tell a lot about a man just by observing his family. (I know many people do not have their own families, so I'm not speaking about how to measure a single man. I'm just contrasting a lifestyle that was once much more popular and is quickly fading from society.)
Anyway, a man who had a lasting marriage and was raising obedient children would be the kind of man that you would want on your team, at least back then. His loyalty and integrity were sought-after characteristics, and his ability to teach and train his own children to be appropriate and respectful could be seen by how they acted in situations.

Even those who do marry and have kids often still attempt to succeed elsewhere instead of at home, in order to show how great of a man they are. Personally, I think that we all fall pretty short, and though we may often think of ourselves as ALPHA Males, we are really closer to being BETA Fish. Yeah, we can puff ourselves up and put on a good show of perceived manliness, but just tip our bowl over and spill the water.
Often, all of our efforts in times of serious trouble or disaster look like a small fish flopping in a puddle more than they look like a warrior pounding his chest on top of a mound of fallen foes. Perhaps this is part of why I don't care so much about opinion. Often, when people tell me "You're the man!" I reply with, "Yes, I am a man."
At least that's a true story, because I am a man.
If my manliness or success will be measured by a vehicle, mansion, wardrobe or bank account, then I will never measure up. Eventually, the vehicle will rust, the mansion will collapse, the wardrobe will become worn, and the bank account will either become empty on my watch or wasted by another, so what care should I really have for such things?
I know that eventually my wife and children will all be dead, so in light of that last comment, my family may not seem like a much better place to invest my efforts. Yet, I believe that there are eternal souls living inside the temporary bodies of my wife and children.
I believe that building a lasting and loving marriage with my wife is a great investment of my time. In the past decade, I have been with one woman, my wife. I bet many reading this have been with many more (if you haven't stopped reading already.) Obviously, I have made my choice and you have made yours, but I bring this up to offer the question, does that make me any less manly?
You see, when we attempt to measure manliness by foolish standards like sleeping around, we miss out on some characteristics that I believe are very beneficial if we are to truly be a hero or a praiseworthy man. Many people in society are sexually over-stimulated right now anyway, and the bars can be full of women who will sleep you, not to mention many other places. Just because someone frequently gives in to various urges does not make them more manly. In fact, it may display a lack of self-control.
Far too often, men will give up on their marriages, and this often ends poorly for all involved, especially the children, if there are any. My wife and I have had plenty of difficulties over the years, but learning how to forgive and work through things can be incredibly beneficial life skills to acquire. Jumping ship when things get rough and trying to take an easier path doesn't do much for building perseverance.
Also, when it comes to raising children, I think that raising them up to know how to properly behave in different situations and how to appropriately interact with others is becoming a lost art. A father has a precious role in the life of his children, and yet this is one of the areas where many men focus very little time, energy, and attention.
Marriage can be hard, and kids can be difficult. To succeed as a husband and father can be some of the most difficult tasks that any man will ever face. Far too often I believe men are more prone to give up in these areas, and I believe that our failure in our own families is contributing to a lot of the issues that are manifesting themselves in the world right now.
Recently, I had a conversation with a man. In a lot of ways, he was a lot like myself. However, in a lot of ways he was nothing like me at all. We had both been given the same opportunities, yet, our families looked completely different. Mine is being built up, and his is rapidly falling apart. As we talked, his wife and children weren't really on his radar, and he had many other ideas about how to make himself a "great man."
Honestly, it's painful to watch, and my heart really goes out to everyone involved in that situation. Unfortunately, I can't really do anything, because he has to make his own choices, and I have to make mine.
I often like to type as I think and share my thoughts, so that's what I did here. Perhaps we don't all need to sacrifice our wives and children while we try to measure up to some lame standards or "succeed" in other areas of life while our families suffer.
If you have a spouse, or if you ever will get married, honor your commitment to that person. Honestly, I used to be incredibly untrustworthy and unfaithful, but I do not need to be. The commitment that I have to wife and my wife has to me can last a lifetime, and we can be seriously blessed by that.

If you have children, invest in their lives. Soon, they will be gone. How they behave can be a representation of your investment (or lack thereof) in their lives. I want my children to be set up for success in life, and I don't think that job has been given to anyone else. Ultimately, it's my job, because they are my children.
In the end, if my marriage lasts a lifetime and I raise my children to be blessings and not curses, I'll be a true hero in this world, even if it isn't highly esteemed in the eyes of this world.
Remember, it's never to late to start. We cannot change the past, we can only learn from it and get over it. All we have for certain is this moment, and we can choose what we will do with it. Succeeding in the present is what leads to a better future here.


Awesome post brother . I needed to hear that today.
Great, I am glad to be used!
Blessed to be able to encourage you!
Wise man once said:
Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6: 7-8
Steem on papa, you're a hero to the ones that matter :)
Thanks @majes, and good point on the ones that matter.
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Awwww, very sweet and such a great dad you are, papa-pepper. Your kids are lucky to have you.
I hope that I can bless them... failing as a father would be almost the worst thing that I could do.
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Having read this post and having thought about it deeply for some time, I can say: you are one of my true heros, @papa-pepper.
Man, that blesses me so much to hear!
Thanks for letting me know!
love those compilation videos on youtube of people doing good for others/saving/helping others, this post makes me think of that

Thank you for that!
I agree. I've for years said it is difficult to CREATE something so that is what we should admire. Destroying things is typically far easier, yet so often that is where our admiration lies.
Yeah, definitely too much destruction going on and being praised.
I really like all his work, but I believe without fear of being mistaken this post surpasses all previous ones, very good post my friend@papa-pepper
Congratulations, thank you very much for sharing
Thanks so much @jlufer!
Your comments mean a lot!
Plum Silly
Yeah, the worst part about those socks with individual toes is that you need feet with individual toes to wear them.
I'm glad that you think so @daveks!
Well said, brother.
Thank you Brother!
Ins Deutsche übersetzt für sie, weil ich denke, wir alle brauchen dieses zu lesen...
Vielen Dank!
Ah, a translation!
@papa-pepper I was supposed to throw you the link - so you've seen it already :)
Yep, sure did!
I believe that it's because you are showing your values every day and in every post, that you have such love and support here on Steemit.
Thank you @kiwideb!
I am blessed by reading your very kind words!
I think I like you more with each post @pappa-pepper ;-)
I've never been the man society wants me to be. Nor could I ever be.
I got married on 20th May 2012. It was a Greek Orthodox wedding.
There are no vows, no 'do you take', no 'until death do you part'.
This is it, forever!
I'd say the mark of a man is one who has the courage to follow his heart, no matter where it leads, even into darkness.
I'd say you have a pretty good heart, and it is in the right place. You have your ideals and your faith and you are following it with all your heart.
I'd say there walks, not just a man, but a good man.
Thank you!
Good points @papa-pepper marriage takes work, commitment and two good forgivers among other things.
This Old Dog has been happily married for 32 years. In my eyes you are a hero but can I still be a real man even though I'm afraid of snakes? More about that in another post.
All the best to you and your nice family,
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)
My kids might not be too impressed with that, but you can still be a real man!
(No need to stop now!)
Wise words my friend. For what it's worth, I think you have the right of it. As a side point, I believe that our society has devalued the word 'hero' through excessive misuse. Steem on Mr Pepper, you're on the right track :D
Much appreciated @handsolo!
Couldn't think of anything more manly than teaching your children how to face what life will throw at them. And you are spot-on, when you say it is becoming a lost art...
Excellent post... And just like the world needs more men of character -- like yourself.., Steemit could use more posts like this -- Cheers!
There are a few more post like this that I have in mind!
Thanks so much @macksby!
Great post! I would like to give a lengthy reply, but my kids are waking up and I have to go. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!
Spoken like a true man!
Funny that you wrote this... My ex - instead of spending the holidays with the kids.... paying any attention to them at all... went to North Dakota in October to build temporary shelters for the Water Protectors. At the time, he was jobless and homeless again, not being able to stay stable since leaving home. But he is always welcome during the holidays. Now he is painted a HERO in our culture.
He is not a hero. A hero is a guy who takes his kid to the park, opts to give up something they want for their child - including time, sits and colors in a coloring book, plays trains, takes his kids to the ranch. That is a hero. A man who gives his time and energy to his children.
I have more to say on this subject, and your reply has made it seem that maybe I should soon.
For what it's worth, Merry Christmas! (Don't let your Holiday be ruined by the actions of others)
Thank you. I am pretty tough. Feel for the kids. Merry Christmas to you all too.
Thanks, it has been so far!
A hero is a hero. You will always be one for your family. :-)
Indeed, thanks @ace108!
you're welcome.
Hi @papa-perrer
Very good post, I agree with you 100%
Thanks @rynow!
Good to know that some people are still familiar with these ideas!
Great message. I wish more could see and learn from it.
Thanks @gregory-f, I am glad that you agree!
When I swap engines and get my new Neon with a clean body set up with the running engine from my old beat-up Neon, I think I will be able to say the man makes the car.
Very well said and valid point.
Papa fully agrees.
Glad to hear it!