Welcome to the world of Good Manners

in #manner6 years ago


Good manners are the external expressions of one's inner goodness and education.They generate good and welcome response.A gentle behaviour stirs the environment and a sensitive man or woman virtually responds to stoothing behaviour from his or her counterpart.There is a saying,"A tree is known by the fruits it bears,a man is known by the company he keeps."Good manners can beget good manners.But different people of different levels behave in different ways,may be good and rude.Well developed societies show much regards or respects to their elders.Because they learn this from an observation of their ancestors or pre-built heritage.Good manners can be inherited from good,educated and well-mannered or well-behaved families.So goes a wise saying,"A good company makes a man good while a bed one makes him bad."If anyone becomes accustomed to good manners or behaves well,he can under no circumstances misbehave towards anyone.So moral education is all important.From their earliest years,children must be taught the difference between right and wrong,and trained to love and follow what is right and hate and avoid what is wrong.So,training means the formation of character on right lines.Its object is to bring children up in such a way that they will grow up to be truthloving,honest,brave,pure-minded and unselfish men and women.The home is the best school for moral education.School-masters cannot get into such close touch with their earliest years of the child,long before he can go to school.And these early years are the most important.As a Roman Catholic Cardinal once said,"Give us the children up to seven years old,and you can have them the rast of their lives."


A good mannered man is polite and courteous.He respects the views and opinions of others although they differ from his own.He listens patiently to what others have to say.He neither uses harsh words to others nor does anything that may offend others.He readily admits his own faults and acknowledges kind acts.He never boasts of his riches or anything.He does not,in anyway,show that he is better or wiser than his compainons.There is goodness in all that he says or does.An ill-mannered man is rude and rough.He has no respect for the feeling of others.He tries to speak when another is speaking.He tries to thrust his offensive remarks.He shows bad manners in various ways.A man of unpolished manners is not liked by anyone.Everybody hates him.Good manners make life pleasant,smooth and easy.Hence man makes manners and manners make him a real man.Good manners and civilization are closely linked.Gold is always gold whether it is in possession of any rich or poor man.Good manners are not confined only to the upper classes of people.They may be found among all classes-rich or poor.Good manners do not cost anything but they gain for us love and respect.