Image source:google
Some people may feel this should be for children only... But I've seen adults failing at this... Hence the need for this post.
Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone. Good manners are necessary to show respect for others.
Say greetings when you meet someone. Say goodbye when you leave them.
Please/Thank you
Image source: google
Always say please if you are asking for something.
Always say thank you if someone does something for you.
Write a thank you letter for gifts, unless you have said thank you in person.
Treating others with respect
Image source: google
Always tell the truth, be a good sportsman.
Applaud and congratulate opponents whether you win or lose.
Be interested in what others have to say.
Hold doors open for people.
Wait patiently in queues don't barge.
If you are still living with your parents, always tell them where you are going and when you expect to be back.
Do what you say you will do.
Offer to help others when you can.
Offer your seat to an adult or elderly person.
Personal habits
Avoid habits that are unpleasant for others to;
see: spitting, nose picking, scratching body parts, leaving a dirty toilet.
hear: loud burping, releasing wind, swearing, butting into a conversation.
Table manners
Pray before eating
Wait until everyone is seated before you start to eat.
Avoid reaching in front of people, instead ask to have something passed to you.
Use eating cutlery correctly and eat slowly.
Avoid licking spoon, knife, fork, plate or gobbling food.
Place your eating cutlery together on the plate when finished.
Wait for everyone to finish or ask for permission before you leave the table.
Offer to help with the cleaning or washing up.
Thanks for reading my post.
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