'Mantra' to be invisible to human beings! | Daily Sun

in #mantra6 years ago (edited)

Who does not want to be invisible! Each of us has a latent desire to disappear. HG Wells wrote in 1897 the capital of this volition, the science fiction novel 'The Invisible Man'.
Since then, European-American literature has repeatedly attacked the invisible Manu's narrative.
In Bengali literature, the story of Qayyahin written by Manilal Gangopadhyay still gets the reader's love. Jockey Rowling above all, Harry Potter has written a series of 'Invisible Cloak'. This is such a cloak, which is bound to be imposed on the face! You Vanee!
Scientists have long been trying to find a way to disappear. How to make some things disappear by reducing the light, so long research was taking place. According to the report of the international media 'Mirror', Canadian scientist Jose Ajaana and his team of researchers are progressing a long way in that work.
Azana told the media that we can see any object from the reflection of light on it. In their research, they wanted to do this, so that the light could not be reflected from any object and returned to it. They want to create a cover that is pressed on a three-dimensional object, and their purpose is met.
According to Ajna, to make a green color invisible, the cover will turn blue in color first, so that it penetrates into the object. After that it will turn green again.



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