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RE: 🏆 [CONTEST] Appreciate Your Fellow Steemians And Win Amazing Prizes! (Part 2)

in #mapsters6 years ago

I think the win is for the author of the comment! not the people who are nominated. hehehehe so i hope YOU win :)

Thank you, my twinnie for all the love that you have unceasingly poured out onto me. Whether it be in the form of laughter (yes - that poor cow - it took me ages to drag him into the forest. but i was late for my yoga class, so i couldn't give him proper assistance hahahahahahahahahaha) or tears (yep. but they are cleansing tears) or support (oh my gosh - i still remember one of our first conversations, talking about our business ideas hehehehe was that 10 years ago? feels like it LOL) or sage wisdom (Mega. We should have purchased stock in Mega LOLOL) whatever it is.... it's a circle of love surrounding it all - and i love every moment of it.

I AM an alien though. Thank you for not discriminating against me based on my species. hehehe my violet blood runs deep. and my poor spleen couldn't take it if you discriminated!!!! (we don't feel with our hearts we feel with our spleens. see?) hahahahahahahaha


Oh my spleen feels so deeply for you too Twinnie love!

Gosh, it feels like a few lifetimes for sure! Hahahaha. Oh my goodness, I swear I still laugh out loud at our mad moments.

Hon, the love and support felt and received is so very mutual. Our chats, the love and fellowship you show me is really quite special, unlike anything I've experienced before. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

Not to mention the amazing people I meet as a result of our proximity to your radiating heart!

I didn't realize I was tempted contestant! Hahaha. Thank you for highlighting that!! Only you would have realized what I was thinking then. Lol!!!