
What do you mean? Its amazing and fking funny haha

Violence is funny? Show me proof this guy is a looter. You people are sick

Go cry in the corner, boomer xD

Kidding aside we really have no clue what this is. He could be a Ukrainian war hero left there by Russian Troops. It’s violence. I wasn’t being sarcastic or trolling ya. It’s literally violence and we don’t know who he is. That’s all I meant

Its fun regardless :p

Obviously you totally don't have a sense of humor.

And thieves definitely deserve what they get and this is epic.

Too bad they didn't post a video and get his name.

I seen one video where some women were looting and got caught. The Ukrainian women tied them up and beat them mercilessly. I had a friend of mine translate what was all going on. Apparently the three women beating two women were the women that lived at this house that was being looted. Apparently they showed up after the girls were tied up.

The neighbors? Stood back and filmed it laughing.

I'm sorry but I have no pity for thieves.

This post is hilariously funny. This is karma in action.

This is what you're told, but a few months ago we were told the Canadian trucker convoy were terrorists 🤷🏼‍♂️

Actually if you drive fast this site you can that money that this individual was a looter.

There are other punishments going around currently right now that are community and state sanctioned due to the war.

I'm not sure what the other repercussions are but stealing something resulting in this level of punishment I am not sure I'd want to try to commit any other crimes.

Don't forget multiple officials have been accused of treason and have been executed on the Ukrainian side.

On the Russian side we are not going to know over the massive amount of secrecy and lack of transparency however I'm just going to say there are all sorts of executions going on within the Russian military upon Russian military soldiers.

And personally the news didn't constantly always say that the Canadian truckers were terrorists. In fact the only person that used that would have been Justin Trudeau as well as his shill media followers. Absolutely no one believed that lie however this is absolutely the truth.

You obviously don't have any sense at all :). First of all, the author of this lovely post, just shared a picture with no context because he must lack intelligence a lot. Secondly, NOTHING justifies humiliation ever, be it even theft or whatever. This is why people are not meant to be judges, that's why there are rules in place.

Actually you don't understand the situation that would arise from allowing these criminals to continue to pray upon the population during an obvious War situation.

To allow thieves to steal it's just going to enable criminals and embolden them.

Since obviously you don't understand this situation. This means that you're going to punish these individuals right then and there. And you're going to make the punishment severe enough that for the rest of this war these thieves think about stealing things.

Obviously you're soft on crime approach comes from big heart however you are just going to enable more rapes murders and violent crimes if you allow Petty crimes.

Obviously you don't live in Portland Oregon right now during this massive crime surge. It's not a crime wave it's a crime tsunami. And it all started off with the cops not being able to respond to anything unless it was extreme. Petty crime started to be allowed and now we have a massive murder and violent crime rate. Rapists are pretty much allowed to continually abusing others as their immediately released without bail if they are even incarcerated or charged at all.

By allowing criminals, and by allowing their criminal actions you are just sentencing them to death. That's right you're killing more people not only the innocent citizens but also those criminals as well.

I wish we could live in a world where we could treat these criminals with respect however.. unfortunately we live in the jungle