The March For Our Lives, really March Against Our Rights & For NWO Sheepollution event, what's going on in the news with Military Industrial Complex, Trump, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Obamacide, Vegas, Orange Snow... What matters is what you are For?

in #marchforourlives7 years ago (edited)

Please take the time to watch these videos and read these articles on the March For Against Our Rights Sheepollution for the NWO event. What the Sheeple don't understand is Gun Control=Gun Confiscation with further enslavement on law abiding citizens. #GunsSavesLives, Criminals don't follow laws that includes Lawmakers/Politicians, etc. Term Limits and Mandatory Drug Testing would reveal how whacked out they really are mentally, physically, and spiritually too.

Plus, other articles and videos as to what's going on with the War on Syria, Russia, Saudi Arabia News, Military Industrial Complex, Obamacide, Turkish Airforce bombed one of the older Christian Churches in the World, and doesn't matter what you are against what matters is what you are for.

What you have to understand that no one has a higher claim over your life and property than you. Live & Die by the Creed that is never right to unjust force or violence on innocent people, who have harmed no one. It's basic common sense, Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.


#Illuminati #AllSeeingEye Merchandise is not to Ward against Evil, it's Evil

Ignorance is bliss for these Sheeple at the March For Our Lies
Mass #MKULTRA Madness
Waiting for those trumpets & for #JesusChrist to return

Top Athletes Announce Support for Anti-Gun ‘March For Our Lives’
Where were these #dirtbags supporting the #marchforourlives campaign when #democrat controlled cities like Chicago SUFFER b/c of the #guncontrol, #brokenfamilies, and #drugwar policies. Oh that's right! DEMOCRATS! #2A

March For Our Lives Protesters UNMASKED: "We Want to CONTROL YOU!" Pt 1 by High Impact Flix

"At one point during the March, we moved to a different location to get more interviews. Big mistake! There was a point for about 10 minutes where we absolutely could not move. Under normal circumstances, that would be bad enough, but we were surrounded by a sea of people who were literally BEGGING and CRYING OUT to politicians (who they DON'T trust) to enslave ALL of us with more laws. It was literally March Against Our Rights INSANITY! "

Straight out of the novel 1984, where children basically spied on their parents.

Acting from Fear and not From Facts.
Annual deaths from all rifles are less than 400. Death by Teens Texting while driving more than 4000, but they want to ban “Assault Rifles”???
High Impact Flix at the #MarchForOurLies Or March Against Our Rights it's INSANITY!
#GunControl= #GunConfiscation
Great job Pointing out the Hypocrisy in the ideology of this flawed agenda by the gun grabbers. #2A #WEDONOTCONSENT

Unmasking March for Our Lives: Washington D.C. Interview Pt 2

#DavidHogg= #NeoCon Nazi
Silence from Hogg when confronted with gun facts from Kashuv
Pro-gun rights Parkland student Kashuv studied &learned about gun laws in existence & their effectiveness.
Heil Hitler Hogg regurgitates pinhead liberal talking points and displays no knowledge of the issues.
The "world's most dangerous censor" strikes again, proving that anti-gun activist David Hogg is truly a media "darling."

Background checks goes against the 2nd Amendment. NRA takes credit for background checks. Deceptive double-speak. Bread & Circus=Roman Circus.
Second Amendment says shall not be infringed. All via Opinion. Failed us before.
Rational people don’t need the Second Amendment have the right to defend themselves.
Live & Die by the Creed is never right to unjust force or violence on innocent people, who have harmed no one. No one has no higher claim over your life & property than you.
“The Bundy Ranch standoff is the reason for the 2nd Amendment. Case closed.”
“The opening with the sheep is just genius work by you.”

Do you trust government? Protesters: No
Do you want gun control? Protesters: Yes
Who is it you want to control the guns? Protesters: uhhhhhhhh

Can't Ban Stupid -- March for Our Lives Interviews - Pt. 3

“The lies these people are believing aren't even deceptive and still, they fall for them hook, line, sinker...heck, the whole dang fishing boat. Imagine when something REALLY deceptive comes down the pike.
Governments are responsible for destroying the lives of almost a quarter of a BILLION people in the last century. And these people want to give their undying loyalty to an entity they admit they don't even trust. ASTOUNDING!
Thanks watching, subscribing and liking my friends. Welcome to all the new subscribers. Never stop fighting for the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is, not matter how outnumbered it looks like we are. Peace to you and yours!”
High Impact Flix T-Shirt Store
Bullshit on that 'army guy'. One of Soros #PaidProtesters. Zombies.
"Oh the high capacity magazines,...oh for guns? The unison forehead slap was hilarious!
"Who should control the guns? Government. Do you trust the government? No ." LMFAO
Don't they realize the gov helps criminals get guns? Operation #FastAndFurious

2018 03 02 Delegate Nick Freitas Speech on Floor of House of Delegates

Best Speech On Gun Control, By Nicholas J. Freitas! by Gabor Zolna
Please check out Gabor Zolna, who does tons of short videos, provides links to articles, videos, and more.

Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, watch, and listen to what Nicholas J Freitas has to say, about what is happening throughout our country. Please pass it on to all of your like minded friends.
"Refreshing to hear a Constitutionally minded delegate. Why can't they all be like this??"
“This guy is brilliant, articulate and dead right. On all counts. Logic, truth and facts are his friends, as they are the deadly enemies of the Left.”
“When he mentioned who was really the party of slavery and the Planned Parenthood comment I was clapping and pumping the air!!!! I sent it to Trump. Thanks for this one.”
Gun Control Turns Us All Into Gun Free Zones! by Gabor Zolna

Bill Whittle, As Virtual President!
Gun Control speech a must listen by Bill Whittle

The time for arguments is over. We are at war!

It Begins. Democrat Candidate for Sheriff Suggests Killing People to Take Their Guns

STARTLING Things They've Planned for You in Wake of the Fla. "EVENT" by High Impact Flix

“Gun Free Zones are TSA Security Theatre.” Criminal Empowerment Laws. "Evil people will always find a way to do evil things & the logical response to evil actions is to empower the good people not handcuff them w/series of knee-jerk
Operation Northwoods. State funded Terrorism. Question Official Narrative. Leads to Minority Report.

PROOF the NRA Stands WITH Anti-Gunners AGAINST the 2nd!

Background checks goes against the 2nd Amendment. NRA takes credit for background checks. Deceptive double-speak. Bread & Circus=Roman Circus.
Second Amendment says shall not be infringed. All via Opinion. Failed us before.
Rational people don’t need the Second Amendment have the right to defend themselves.
Live & Die by the Creed is never right to unjust force or violence on innocent people, who have harmed no one. No one has no higher claim over your life & property than you.

CDC study on Guns Saves Lives. CNN anchor pushing Gun Control. Eric Pratt supports Gun Saves Lives.
Sun, Moon, & Truth. Bread & Circus= #RomanCircus
#NRA is #ControlledOpposition. #BackgroundChecks. It's the only Gun Rights group allowed at the United Nations. Gun Owners of America is a better group.
Source links:
Gun Owners of America:
Gun Owners of America on facebook: (tell 'em HighImpactFlix sent ya)
NRA members support background INFRINGEMENTS:
Slate article:
CDC "gun death" report:
March for our lives statements:

Parkland student Kasky bows out of gun debate with Kashuv

Dicks Sporting Good's Said "It Could Have Been!"
Listen to Gabor Zolna's rant

Does This Make Any Sense To You?
#NikolasCruz Never Bought An #AR-15 From #Dicks!
Listen to Gabor Zolna's great points
#Parkland #Narrative changes was #CIA hit team
F--- #DeepState #GunControl

Learn a Disturbing "Ski" Lesson from Gun-Grabbing Coward County Sheriff?!?

Corrupt POS Deep State Power Hungry Sheriff SCUMBAG promoting #TheBakerAct...
F--- #Democrats #DeepState #GunControl
History Repeats. #EndTheFed #WEDONOTCONSENT #2A #FullArmorOfGod

A SIMPLE Picture Quiz EVERY Gun-Grabber Needs to Answer!

Ban Fully Automatic Power Drills prevents 5,800 in the Emergency Room visits per year.
Ban Assault Chainsaws that put over 30,000 in the Emergency Room visits per year.

Ask Congress To Stop Pissing Up The Wrong Tree! by Gabor Zolna
Zolna shows 5 different objects, which one is most dangerous?
374 people killed by Rifles (least killings) as result in 2016. The Hammer killed 472 people. The hands, fist or feet killed 656 people. Knives killed 1604 people. Cell Phone distractions via texting while driving killed over 4015 people.

Gabor Zolna: “The reality is, as I stated in this video, they want to take away our guns so that they can take away our freedom. All of these events are planned by the Deep State, including the murder of seventeen innocent people at Parkland in Florida. NiKolas Cruz is a patsy, he was selected to take the fall, all of what was posted about him was done intentionally to support their claim that Cruz did it. The timeline, along with eye witnesses clearly state otherwise. The hit was done by a professional kill team that are void of all normal emotions to be able to shoot to death innocent children.”

Reality is the powers that be want to take away our guns so that they can take push for more#CONTROL over our lives that leads to taking away our #Freedom All of these events are planned by the #DeepState, #FalseFlagEvents is All by Design What about the #Distractions, Poisoned Daily in Food, Water, Air & Radiation coming from the #SmartPhones #CellTowers #5G

Millions Of American's Are Still In Denial! by Gabor Zolna
The good news is that many American's are in denial, and simply can't wrap their heads around to the fact that our Government has for countless years dragged us into endless wars.

YouTube Implements New Gun Video Restrictions! by Gabor Zolna

YouTube to ban videos about gun sales and modifications

President Trump,"No One Read It!"
Gabor Zolna's take
Reminds of Pelosi, sign it, then find out what's in it.
#Trump will take us to the same place, but at different pace. F #NWO

Here are some articles and videos from Shoebat. I suggest you check out for yourself. You are more than welcome to enter keywords such as Homophobes, Islam, #Nationalism, Christian Persecution, what's in the news, politics, etc. They use common sense with discernment both showing and telling.

Lying President Trump Declares That Gun Rights Which President OBAMA Gave Americans Are Bad And That He Will Restrict Guns

US General Shills For More War After Claims That ‘ Russia Is Arming The Afghan Taliban’
All #Propaganda to push War against #Russia
#HegelianDialectic #BankersWars #Taliban= #CIA
#OperationCyclone=US Israel Saudi Arabia & Pakistan
Chief Coordinator Michael Vickers designed Afghan War strategy in the 1980's & organized the “War On Terror” ensuing American destruction of foreign government's he admits in 2007 article.

Turkish Air Force Bombs One Of The Oldest Churches In The Whole History Of Christianity
#Turkey's expansionism due to power including Ideology "that consists of both #Islamism & Turkish #Nationalism"
"The killing of #Christians& atrocities against other #Muslims as well. We are witnessing inchoate stages of the recreation #OttomanEmpire"
#ChristianPersecution #EndTimes #SpiritualWarfare

Obama “Lite” Is Not Alright
#Obamacide “Lite” Isn’t Alright
Plan"one world #CommunistManifesto inspired big gov & 1 world Atheistic religion both obsessed with depopulating humanity without shots being fired."
Total US debt $175.8 trillion
US was founded Dec of Independence from Big Gov Not on Big Government.

Chaos And Horror Are All Over Afrin As Erdogan Vows To Expand Into Iraq. 167,000 People Have Already Fled The City And Turkish Troops Have Already Killed Over 200 Civilians
Story parallels history repeats?
#Germany supports #Turkey/ #Ottomans has always backed terrorists in their atrocities & murder of Christians.
#Russia defended #Christians from Persecution with #Armenians & #Syrians
"Scapegoating use events & Propaganda to justify #Racism & #Genocide"

An Islamic Empire Can Never Rise Without The Help Of Europeans
Network of Connections. History Repeats.
#Germany & #Turkey=Allies seeking to revive their Empires.
#Propaganda #Darwinism #Nationalism #Eugenics
#Counterjihad= #Agenda21 #TheCenterForSecurityPolicy=#CIA
World's Stage

It Doesn’t Matter What You Are Against, What Matters Is What You Are For
Darwinism is the religion used by Elites for Population control and will use Islam & other religions to control the masses for the purposes of Power, Profit, and Control, #NWOAgenda.
Islam is loved and used by Governments as pawns via Hegelian Dialectic to control populations and to push for Nationalism and Militarism. Atheism is more dangerous because they are cunning and deceptive.
Father of Wahhabism was against Communism/Marxism but promoted Islamic Socialism.
Identitarians are promoting Nationalism, Racism, Pan-Germanism, Darwinism, Eugenics.
Samuel Huntington was against Islam. Promoted Eugenics, references Eugenicists writers, pushed for War in Iraq and destabilization of the Middle East.
John Bolton is a War Monger, pushed for the Iraq and Syria War, Regime Change.
Engineered Migration used to push Xenophobia and Nationalism.
Glenn Beck is an Occultist Mormon.

Donald Trump Sits With Saudi Prince And Tells Americans That Selling Weapons To Countries Who Support Anti-American Terrorism Is A Great Way To Create Jobs
Presidents #SELECTED #POLICIES doesn't change.
#Trump= #IlluminatiPuppet will take us to the same place but different pace
Fueling the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
" #SellingWeapons To Countries Who Support Anti-American#Terrorism Is A Great Way To Create Jobs" #BankersWars

Famous Homosexual TV Reporter Brags To The World ‘I Have HIV And I Am Proud Of It’
Marketing the #Normalization of #Homosexuality #HIV & other horrible actions, destroying Family Unit #Agenda21, thus "seeking the pursuit of pleasure at all costs" Grave Sin Worthy Of Death.
"A nation can rise no higher than the #MoralState of its people."
#DaysOfNoah #Sodom #Gomorrah #SpiritualWarfare
The #CFR mbrs & mbr corps promote the the unhealthy unnatural #lgbt 2%’s behavior to profit from $34b HIV/AIDs drug sales caused by #lgbt perversion
CFR mbr Soros

American Gun Culture Is Dying, It’s A Reflection Of The Decline Of Society
"American gun culture is dying out, but why? It is a reflection of a greater social trend that, unfortunately, is most likely going to accelerate because the external disorder reflects the greater internal chaos taking place within society, as I discuss in my video:"
#MoralState Human Nature doesn't change. Continual Process. #SpiritualWarfare

John R Bolton, A War Hawk, And A #SwampCritter!
Gabor Zolna's take on Warmonger NeoCon #Bolton

Zionist John Bolton Is An Israeli Double Agent - News Compilation

#JohnBolton architects of 9/11, belonged to #ProjectForANewAmericanCentury with Cheney, Rumsfeld, & other key members of Bush Admin.

Bolton is one of the reasons we still have troops in Iraq & Afghanistan & on top of all that he's currently pushing for war with Russia & #RegimeChange in North Korea & #Iran

Gun Control Equals Gun Confiscation! by Gabor Zolna)

Causes of Death in USA-2016----Abortion--501,325----Murder by Gun Bottom of List.
“Causes of death from a 2016 Report for One Year---Abortion-503,325----Heart Disease-282,038----Cancer-271,640----By Tobacco-160,680----Obesity-140,939----Medical Errors-115,439---Stroke-61,106-----Lower Respt. Disease-65,623----Accidents-Unintentional-62,460-----Hospt. Assoc. Infection-45,449----Alcohol-45,906----Diabetes-35,114----Alzheimer’s Disease-42,943---Influenzas’/Pneumonia---25,354-----Kidney Failure-19,631----Blood Infection-15,363-----Drunk Driving-15,521-----Unintentional Poisoning-14,580-----All Drug Use-11,479-----Prescription Drug Abuse-6,886-----Murder By Gun-5,276----Notice at the Bottom of List.....”

What If They Lite The Fuse? by Gabor Zolna
There’s no Common Sense Gun Reform=Gun Confiscation.

It Never Happened That Way! by Gabor Zolna
Cruz was Patsy. Was #CIA Hit Team #Narrative used to push #GunControl= #GunConfiscation

Comments from Viewers: "Exactly and where was his gun when walking down the hall with that girl? How on earth can people be so blind???" "Indeed. Also, how is it that they never ask themselves how high school kids can organize a huge rally in Washington in just one month. How is it they never ask where all that money is coming from?" "This kid Nicholas Cruz was nothing but a pasty That 's why there is never any video evidence so that the media and law enforcement can push their narrative."

The Florida School Shooting Narrative a LIE! by Gavin Seim

Florida. This is huge!

Message to Gun Grabbers.

Article is cancer. Headline is awesome.
Students March For Their Lives As Trump Chills At Golf Course, Largely Ignores Them

How to spot a False Flag: Follow the shoes....

Watch for pictures of shoes left on the scene & shoe-less people who are the (((crisis actors)))- it's the calling card of the cabal.

Who stops to take their shoes off when you're being shot at? It's a Free Mason "Rite of Discalceation" ritual to remove either 1 shoe to transfer power to their master, or both shoes to honor a "holy site of sacrifice."

More on Rite of Discalceation here:

NBC lies!
Officials tell @NBCNews that they are estimating 800,000 people gathered in Washington, DC today for the #marchforourlives rally. — Rebecca Shabad (@RebeccaShabad) March 24, 2018
CBS News reported that “(t)he peak crowd size was 202,796 people, with a margin of error of 15 percent.”

April 14, 2018: Patriotic Americans Plans Second Amendment Rallies At All State Capitals
#2A An Alternative for us.

"Go Try Another Door!" Bingo! by Gabor Zolna
#CIA Hit Team carrying Duffel Bag.
F #DeepState #GunControl= #GunConfiscation
#PiecesOfThePuzzle #CrisisActors #FloridaShooting #FalseFlag #DRILL

David Hogg NOT at School Shooting!
"On the day of the shooting, I got on my bike and rode the 3 miles to school as fast as I could to get as many pictures as possible" - David Hogg

Weird kid not at school shooting. Whole story a fabrication. He never heard the "shooter in the hallway" and he misled police.

Expert Asks Questions about Florida Shooting by Black Pilled

Unrolled thread from @JohnBouchell
Great points from a Local in FL who questions the Narrative & has great points.
“We are at war. Be very careful of who you trust.”
“This was very eye opening. I didn't think about cameras in the school. That's also strange that a student was talking about the handle of the door jiggling and hearing someone say try another door. This is pretty alarming.”

Greetings From Washington's District of Criminals....and #Vegas Release!

Low Quality Production Security video from the many times prior to the shootings that #Paddock visited the hotel to push Lone Gunman #Narrative
Was CIA hit team in LV, Parkland, etc.
F #GunControl

THE FINAL DAYS: New Footage Shows VEGAS MADMAN Eating, Stocking Room with GUNS

It Could Not Have Happened That Way! by Gabor Zolna

Hollywood production video shows multiple times #Paddock visited. Metal Detectors? #VegasCoverUp #MultipleShooters

George Soros, Useful Idiots & the Marxist Gun Grab

Great video by Blackstone Intelligence Network "Marxist ideologue George Soros is using Florida children to push for gun control. Here is a look at the wizard behind the curtain."

Meet George Soros - Globalist Hit Man & Sheep Herder

"George Soros accomplishes much of his agenda by distributing his wealth to like-minded Marxist front groups and organizations dedicated to social and political change that undermines our system of constitutional law."

"Hanging out with a gun grabbing Nazi collaborator that admits that he doesn't care about the social implications of his acts. Psychopath, Atheist, God Complex."
“Both Marxists and Zionist-Globalists are atheists. Of course, those in the inner circles are avowed Luciferians.”
"Clips from when 60 Minutes was interesting. Killary in the pinko pant suit...priceless."
“Either you are with you or you are against us” clips from George Bush, the Crisis Actors Parkland Useful Idiots, Anakin against Obi-Wan.

Former Supreme Court Justice Says It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment

They Want All Semi-Automatic Weapons, Period! listen to Gabor Zolna's take on the article above
#2A #TermLimits
F #GunControl #DaysOfNoah #Sodom

Nikolas Cruz Could Not Have Been The Shooter! by Gabor Zolna

Two Witnesses Seen Nikolas Cruz AND a Tactical Shooter

The Timeline's Simply Don't Work! Please listen to this Rant on the Injustice by Gabor Zolna
Check out Zolna Report

Florida : 2 Shooters and a bodybag (Part 2)

Fighting with Nikolas Cruz or Second Shooter?? in the Freshman Room confirmed by Students & Police Scanner.

The Pro-Gun Kid CNN Wishes They Never Invited ON AIR! by High Impact Flix

The AR-15, The Fist Domino That They Want To Fall! by Gabor Zolna

H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

Skynet; The Techno Enslavement of Humanity is Here by APlaneTruth.Info

"Planitir is a private/public partnership with all the spook agencies to provide analytical full spectrum knowledge of each and every individual on Earth.
Trump team is setting up for war.
The skies are constantly covered in an opaque milky chemtrail haze delivered likely by demon drones in the sky.
All communications are monitored, catalogued and recorded about everyone.
Only by exposing the devices of control can we have any chance to stop the powers behind those we see on TV that want to turn us all into transhumanist robots for their own needs and pleasures."
Bunch of #Hogwash
Demon Drones in the Sky.
#SlaughterBots #PredictiveProgramming #AI #5G #Transhumanism
#GeoEngineering #Chemtrails #MillimeterWaveTechnology #Cryptocurrency
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

This Video Will Make You Question Basic Reality...(2018-2019) by That Is Impossible

Ship coming out of the Sun causing Sun Flare. #EMP & #SolarStorms
#Walmart Underground Tunnels
#GeoEngineering #AI #HAARP #Chemtrails
#TheTerminator #Skynet
F #NWOAgenda

Iron oxide from Nibiru. #Chemtrails #GeoEngineering
Wise men say where the husky go... Don't you eat that #OrangeSnow!

Did you swear an OATH of ENLISTMENT by Richie From Boston

Fueling the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #MOAB #AI #5G
US Military Aims to Start Using Laser Weapon That Produces Voices by 2021

The World Has Never Witnessed Anything Like This Before... by That Is Impossible

#Sinkholes #FloatingCars?
#FakeMoonLandings #FakeX #TheMatrix
#GeoEngineering #AI #HAARP #Chemtrails #GeoStorm
#PreSalt #SandSmuggling
F #NWOAgenda #Agenda2030

1984 Safe Cities Will bring end to America
#GeoEngineering #Chemtrails #AI #5G
F #Illuminati#NWOAgenda

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Please check out my previous postings and share.

Healthcare System is INSANE, please read on story of Veteran's Fiancee's battle with Breast Cancer was denied treatment due to seeking 2nd opinion, how it relates to my Father with Big Pharma, Chemtrails, See Doc. on glued to Technology by NICHOLSON1968

Like a Thief in the Night with Massive YouTube Censorship, Parkland FL Shooting update, Militarism & Persecution Increase, more FF?? End Times? Just as in the Days of Noah/Sodom, Strange Weather Events, How Much More Can One Take???

Here we go again, another Drill/False Flag in Parkland, Florida. Another push for Gun Control. 5G used at Olympics & Cancer Cell Towers, Demand A New 9/11 Investigation! Need to take Country back.