Alright people. I have a huge drop for you. I actually found this back in November. And tried to share it with three popular YouTubers. I won't name them here because I'm not salty. Anyway, I'm going to take you down another #rabbit hole that it appears many people are finally ready to go down considering recent information. Remember when #Q said follow the glowing rabbit? Seems we glazed right over that one didn't we?
Well, have a lookie here! I will include as many links as I can but of course I was #jacked and lost many bookmarks, had to start over. Please do feel free to find your own. I'm sure there are many more. We need to call for major #investigation into all sectors, especially the private sector, in biotechnology. We also need to either rehaul an existing facet of the system or Implement a new one in order to oversee real ethics going forward. Science can be wonderful and its place but out of its place, its diabolical. Pay special attention to chemical compound names and website names further on down the line. Basically if you start with the University of Hawaii (staff links to Turkey/university in Istanbul), you can hop down a trail to all of what I have here because that's what I did. You will most likely be able to tell where I looked something up.
Brace yourselves. This gets creepier. Involves #gardens too.😣
Alba was my first find.
#Kac ...#kek?
*Protexia ... a statin drug made from transgenic goats.
Or... did they just go under the radar?
One company closes, another opens. The public is none the wiser.
Remember Protexia above?
And do you remember the Canadian billionaire scientist that died?
He made generics, he's holding a bottle of generic protexia here.
Back to Hawaii and the Institute for Biogenosis Research
Hummm ... whats this?
#SleepingBeauty!? 😮
Chimeric transposases?!?😲
Active trangenisis ... 4 Mamilian lines😦
#Final4 #FinalFour
Then I searched SB11
WTH is this? Is this related? They make it sound like its for something else but it it appeara to be a control box for manipulatimg humans.
Addgene, isn't that nifty
This is seriously highlights. I'm leaving out many screen shots. Too much to put here. Let's just say, they can manipulate genes more than many think is possible. I'll post links below to articles if you'd like to read more. They won't be in order or notated.
Now here's where it gets creepier. I get it if you're freaked out. (I know some great Awakening Coaches l can refer for emotional amd mental balance.)
Luciferase and Luciferin ... chilling.
Some will say, as its based on Latin, it just means "light bringer." I call BS. We know the deceiver, and we aren't falling for false light tricks. And I'm pretty sure there are biblical references to abominations in the sea.
Let the extra #creepsauce begin
This Firefly site seems odd. Is it all things lampyridae?
When I saw this my stomach dropped.
I know I have no proof, intuition is usually top notch. I tried not to jump to conclusions and kept looking.
This website had the appearance of a lot of info, but it really doesn't. Many links are blank, dead ends. There were some odd links too.
See... mostly empty. Also note affiliates and disclosure statement.
Sara M Lewis ... gotta look at her more too.
There's a game, maybe innocent, maybe not.
Related? IDK but it's not hard to keep seeing production
Up of it's just sewing.
Luciferin's "BioToy"
Oh! ... my gut wrenching suspicions may very well be true 😣😰😬
Let's also remember, they can also make glow in the dark plants too
I recall reading that the firefly is actually in bettle family? Hence, one aspect of their fascination with scarabs. Is it still ok for me for like Dragon flies?😲😦🤣
I'm not certain of it's in the links recovered, I can't find the pic, but I definitely saw a Beatle with a microchip on its back, and it was connected.
All this to say, my suspicions are:
They make glow in the dark children for their sick Black Forest Games.
"Art" in the Getty, anyone?
Not to mention that it may be to also enhance bio battery power. ☹
We know their canabalistic preferences are the more melinated the better. 😣
Help from people with more insight into bio tech is desired!
I know there's more to dig on here peeps.I also can't help but think that besides the political and social reasons why "dems need black people" ... I just think somehow #melanin plays into this.
One Love for HUMANITY.
#WhiteRabbit #Q #GlowingRabbit #NEWS #MAGA #ObamaGate #POTUS
Drug he's holding in pic
**Nexia Biotechnologies🕷
I didn't even go into this... fascinating.
Bio research, see article and "law" about unknowing specimens.